2006-07-31-Negative Planetary Events
Topic: Negative Planetary Events
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
[From the T/R]: Below, I post a recent conversation I shared with Monjoronson. As always, I strongly discourage anyone from reading it as absolute truth. Transmissions are inherently fallible, and inevitably limited by the biases, insights, and mindal understanding of the TR. I strongly encourage all to look for resonance in your own heart to determine what may be true for you. The conversation began with a loving, personal message, which I have edited out. MONJORONSON: Now, may I answer your questions?
QUESTIONER: Tell me, older Brother, if it is within the Father’s will, what is true regarding the recent evil tidings for the planet? Are these imminent? How do these events dovetail with the unfolding spiritual community on earth?
MONJORONSON: My sweet sister, as you know the celestial administration carefully plans each step of the planetary reclamation of earth. Every mortal on the planet is loved dearly, thus each step is thoroughly weighed in order to select those alternatives which provide maximum benefit with minimum ill effects.
Several hundred years ago, when it became clear that the time approached for my mission on Urantia, we began to engage in advance planning. There is timing and order to all that transpires, and it is certainly true that we have carefully considered the timing of the birth of spiritual community. The creation of a global spiritual community is essential to our plans, and while we wanted to give substantial time for community to develop, we knew if we started too early, in the ways of men, disruptions and divisions would occur.
We are delighted by the progress made in Santa Barbara to develop spiritual community. You and your fellows have sufficient time to more fully explore your ideas about community, network with others, and establish models in specific locations before the predicted negative events occur. The most difficult hardships will not begin for awhile. The rise of spiritual community has been carefully timed to coincide with all of these sorrowful events, creating a natural demand for different approaches to living and a return to the divine pattern on earth.
My own mission will not come in a physical presence for several years yet for we have need for these communities to be reasonably well established and functioning before our arrival. Can a bee make honey without a ready field of flowers and a beehive? How can my faithful Melchizedek brothers assist in global transformation without a spiritual community to support them, youth eager to learn a spiritual path, and the facilities within which to teach? All is timed in the celestial plan with great precision – know that we will arrive when the time is optimal, and do all in our power to protect and sustain you and the others of your brothers and sisters on earth in the interim.
QUESTIONER: Monjoronson, it has been said by some that members of your staff will be asked to remain on the planet in morontial form to work with you for an extended period of time. Is this so? Can you explain this contingency?
MONJORONSON; It is true that I am in need of a long term staff of mortals who can remain on the planet with me for an extended time. Confusion and fragmentation would result from the constant turnover of the planetary headquarters and Magisterial Mission staffs. Mortals old enough to have gained the wisdom and experience necessary to perform their jobs well, would die in the natural order of things shortly thereafter. The short life span on your world at this time makes this especially unworkable, but it is customary for the planetary prince to have a staff that stays for the entire dispensation, so what is proposed is not out of the ordinary.
Your initial Planetary Prince, Caligastia, brought a staff with him from Jerusem of unfused mortals since a mortal staff is preferable for working with the mortals on an evolutionary world, and the humans on earth had not yet progressed to a state where they could assume the necessary responsibilities. If your world had proceeded in an orderly fashion without default, this staff would have been replaced at the appropriate time with willing earth mortals who could take up the tasks required in the planetary administration headquarters. Do you feel the rightness of all this?
MONJORONSON; So know that as the events on your world become more troubled and chaotic, there is indeed a plan to preserve the well-being of those of you who are called to work on the staff of Machiventa or myself. We have mustered celestial forces to protect you. Once my mission arrives in a physical presence, you will be given the opportunity of staying on the planet in a morontia form or exiting as translated beings. The choice will be easy for some and more difficult for others. Your families and loved ones will, by and large, proceed on to the Mansion Worlds without you. Those who choose to remain, will be left on the planet with other members of the mission staff as your spiritual comrades over a period of many generations. Does this satisfy your question?
QUESTIONER: You have answered my questions very fully. May I ask if you can affirm that a blessing of protection may be placed on our families during these terribly difficult times if we are away from home working on behalf of your mission? Is this within the Father’s will?
MONJORONSON: Jesus took care to make provision for the welfare of the apostles’ wives and children, and he will do the same with those humans who make the sublime choice to serve on my staff. You may be assured that loving care will be taken of them and that you may leave them to be about your duties without undue concern as the very angels will watch your loved ones carefully during your absence. These family members may not be offered translation, or the opportunity to remain on the planet and serve, unless their spiritual status and growth warrant that, but they will be awarded the Father’s special watchcare during their natural lives. Does this answer?
QUESTIONER; Yes. Thank you, friend.
MONJORONSON: It has been my pleasure. I do enjoy our talks together; until we meet again.