2006-08-03-Grow Your Roots Tenaciously

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Topic: Grow Your Roots Tenaciously

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved: “Open your heart and mind, so that we can commune with the deepest of understanding in our growing friendship while your trust and faith in Me grows. There is so much I desire to convey to you, all depending on your readiness to receive.

It is true that sadness and grief are everywhere. No one is exempt. However, when a lonely mortal turns within and gives himself or herself the gift of Stillness on a regular basis, that same mortal can be assured that My balm for that aching heart is waiting to nurture it.

The going within is a sure way to cure all ills. It represents finding the great Healer, the Spirit of God, who desires to uplift the heart and to direct the mind into a healthier way of being, bringing it back into a more positive and joyful state.

It is so very important to realize that at every turn in life you are never alone, even though at times you suffer from Loneliness.

Drink of this cup, and then give thanks for all the blessings in disguise. Do not falter in your faith, but instead concentrate faithfully on each task at hand. In doing so, your life’s purpose, to which you are being called, will gradually become clearer. You will help uplift this backward little orb towards a greater understanding of the new light about to dawn.

This present hardship is to serve you, helping you to grow your roots even more tenaciously into Me. Have faith, grow your trust and someday when your earth-life is finished, you will look back in great wonder, and see how you have served in the Kingdom of heaven while still here on earth, actualizing your soul-self into a greater being-ness on the road to perfection.”