Topic: Support
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas, Monmacion, Nebadonia
TR: Tiahuan
Heavenly Father, thank you for this moment, thank you for giving us to each other, inspiring us to seek your guidance, and guiding us ourselves in our walk, in our talk, in our thinking, and in our praying. We invite you and our siblings who would participate with us in our decisions concerning the practical affairs of our life in your service, in the service of this time of renewal and reclamation, preparation for new beginnings, working with our Magisterial Son and many others, whomever, and certainly having prepared a place for at least one of his team members, we naturally feel responsible to commit our resources and commit our lives to the purpose that you have nurtured in our hearts.
Tomas: This is Tomas. My friend, somewhat reluctant to speak as he hears though knowing he hears well and speaks well has heard the desire of many to allow these functions, skills to be joined in the service of Michael, of our Father, our Mother Spirit, the service of our family in this moment. P, how happy I am that you would seek counsel, guidance from us, those who you have deemed as ‘creatures’. You feel me smile because I love you, I love you both, I understand that you do not see me or my fellows in spirit inhabiting a form you cannot see as what you call regular people, yet let me assure you we are people, we are personalities like yourselves endowed by our Father, though we inhabit different forms; we dwell upon different realms. You know well how an extended family lives and breathes, loves and lives throughout a wide world and most of the time you do not see them, yet you know they are there living as you are, laboring in this love extending the love of our Father. You have questions, concerns, practical issues to resolve. Would you share with me your questions?
P: I just want to know whether or not we are supposed to be staying in this place and having a house for Monmacion, and if so, how we are supposed to manage financially.
Tomas: Let me allow another to speak to this concern.
Monmacion: My friends, I wish to extend my gratitude for your willingness to open your hearts and your home to me. Yes, I am Monmacion. I have been close to you, and I am glad to observe your drawing closer to each other. You discern well the need to make a place for not only me, but for any who would come to share your labor of making love visible in this world. I know you struggle now with issues of support. I would have you understand that in your labor you are joined by many. Your confidence will grow as your awareness of our support expands. P, perhaps you would allow yourself to rest in this confidence, the assurance of faith that all things necessary are within you, and we would join in assisting you to draw them forth.
The awareness of our Father’s will that you harbor within you is something precious. There is a tendency for you and your fellows to look around you for that support which is within you, and yes, I appreciate your perspective as a material being who knows the need for material support. I would join you in this labor, and I would lend my assistance in the work we share, but I assure you provisions for your success, the awareness of these would overwhelm you if you could but see all that is gathered, all that is given to sustain you.
I will not tell you what books to open, what checks to write. I trust you even as I would have you trust our Father within you. You know even in your estate, this bodily form, you observe the evidence of our Mother’s daughters, ministering spirits of time, who share in your concern for the details of your everyday life. Allow them to assist you, and you may be surprised even more than you have. I await the opportunity to join you. I understand your eagerness to see the evidence of that which you have heard.
When this time is ripe, you may find yourselves wondering how you ever lived otherwise. You may wonder as we do, how you do as well as you are. Let me assure you I am never far. Your devotion inspires the same in me and in others. I would have you know more, my devotion to you. I step aside, but I am always aware of you as I make my own preparations that mirror yours.
P: Thank you!
Nebadonia: My dear children, this is your Mother. I know well your concerns. I know the difficulties of sharing the trials of children. While your world struggles through this birth showing signs of pain, suffering, confusion, and your children, your mortal children, share in these as well, know that I am with you. Indeed you cannot be without me. Your devotion to making a home is a reflection of mine and Michael’s. You have succeeded; you will succeed.
As you proceed in your decisions, remember the most precious home is this one within you. The capacity to share your heart, to welcome others in this precious chamber where I am is the treasure, and it is the mark of the home we build together. Your material home is an emblem of this. I have asked you to extend your hands on my behalf to heal those who come to you, to join me in service to our family. Whenever you desire for assistance in any moment, pause, invite my daughters to join with you in that moment. How glad they are to witness your willingness to share.
Tomas: My friends, this is Tomas again. Thank you for inviting us. Allow yourself this pleasure, this privilege of being at home in this place where we embrace each other, converse with one another freely.
I know you have dinner on the stove and many things to share with each other. I delight in seeing you, someday you will see me, but for now, let us go forth walking in faith exercising this treasure, this attribute, so beautiful, this human capacity to see with your mind and heart, to hear likewise, and to love with your souls. Be at peace. I love you.
P: Thank you.
R: Thank you.