2006-08-06-Planting Light Anchors
Topic: Planting Light Anchors
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Michael, Elyon
TR: Sheila, Mark Rogers, Jonathan
Session 1
Prayer: We are ever so grateful for this family, for this intentional connection. We are ever so grateful for finding each other and loving each other.
Monjoronson: I am Monjoronson.
As we watch the ever steady growth the light that shines within each and every one of you, it is so easy to focus, to find where the balance of this planet is coming from. There are great beings who work diligently on the darker side of life and I would like for all of you to rest assured that there are many who boldly take on that project so as you who find yourselves attached to this project may remain focused in order to constantly achieve greater balance. Children you hold steady to this project. If I may be so bold to say, we still need your constant attention as if this were your divine job.
This not only thrills us to share in it but it is so needed and this is what has made our part so important by keeping you focused in this direction. Please rest assured that there are others managing quite well in their positions just as you have all been overwhelmingly successful in this project. If you will but keep your focus upon your peace, your light, your love and the center of your circle, this would be your divine job and by all of your discussions, evidently you all love going to work and this is what could be called "on earth as it is in heaven".
Your circuit with one another began very early on, so you see the circuitry is there and has been well established and now it is yours to work with and to trust, and as early explorers of this realm that you have created, it is by your exploring that you will achieve the gifts. You see children, there are many gifts to come that must be recognized and utilized by you and by being open to receive these gifts and have a childlike nature in exploring and sharing them with one another. The idea is to receive and to acknowledge. Your light project is maturing quite well.
Each and every breath you take was originally thought of as the breath of life to keep your body functioning. Now it is brought to the table that each and every breath you take can be intentionally directed. There is no need for magic wands when you have magic breath and so breathe children, breathe. Breathe yourself to where you want to go. Breathe yourself to what you want to do. Breathe yourself so that you can be. Close your eyes and see anything, see everything and put your ideas to your heart so that you may know them as a relationship with them.
That's right, have a relationship with your intention. Ahhh, this is how it works. You have developed a great relationship among yourselves. You have created a great relationship with your center. You have created community spirit and essentially this is your relationship with yourself and since you are the creators, you see how wide open this door is and we want you to walk through this door and open your arms wide and create. Great children of light, great parents of light, fling open the doors to your heart. Be not afraid.
Michael: I am your brother Michael. There are so many in the universe who have put Urantia in the center of their circle and this, as it has been your intention to create a new being, you are the result of others co-creation. You were intentionally created to sit in a circle and do likewise. Because of where we stand, we are able to see what we have created, to know it and to live through you, to watch you establish relationships with that which you do not see is a miracle of universal proportions.
I would like for you to simply imagine the immense love and gratitude that your Creators are given as they watch you and then I would ask you to receive that which your imagination [flows] out. Take it far children, take it far.
Session 2a
There were 2 sessions this morning in different locations. Several members shared their efforts to "plant light anchors."
Prayer: Divine parents, we treasure this life, we adore this journey. We long to come nearer to you in our journey to approach you as the children of yours that we are. We would be like You, we would try. Thank you for this life, this love, this grace that we feel day by day. We cherish this opportunity. Help us to be all that we can be in our desire to be like You.
Michael: I am Michael. I would pull you my children close to Me. I would draw you in with the love you seek as you would loyally and faithfully approach Me. We are tied together, my little ones, there is a cord which connects us. You are My children, you shall grow up to resemble the Parents. This growth process may not be as you can envision but nevertheless you shall grow up to resemble your Parents.
I must make comments on the outreach projects that were shared. Whatever you do for the least of my children you do for Me. Whatever you do for yourselves my children, you do for Me. Every parent desires for the welfare of their children and when you engage yourselves in the welfare of self you are in service to Me. Likewise when you engage yourselves in service to others you are in service to Me and these are My desires as well. I embrace you with gratitude for every effort made in this manner and will warmly accept any contributions you would feel free to make when in service.
I observe that at times you may be conflicted as to your manner of service, your approach to service and the results of your service and while it is true that you are not given to understand the true values manifested by your service, you may be in realization that you have been in service to Me and I know of your service. I recognize your contribution, I applaud your efforts, I appreciate your commitment.
I recognize your intentions as well and it is these intentions that are so potent in the projection and manifestation of future success in service opportunities. Therefore are we assured of a grand future as well as a glorious now, this moment we stop, we pause, we recognize the fruits of spirit. We celebrate the joy of love, we offer gratitude for the grace to perceive and we offer our commitment to the unfoldment of the future in spirit.
It is a joy to gather you my little ones in whom I am so pleased, together and speak these words of encouragement and love that you may breathe them in and then breathe them out, that you may experience them with the self and then project this experience out to others, that you may be part of this loop with Me giving on route to receiving by way of giving by way of receiving.
My dear ones, would there be any interface desired between us?.... You are, in fact, mighty participants in this process and I recognize your contributions to developing such circuitry and opening new doors. I welcome your offerings, I accept on behalf of the Father. I appreciate your attitude of respect and devotion but as well I would lift you up to be my image. Thank you my dear ones, we will visit again.
Session 2b
September 24, 2006
Michael (Sheila TR): I am your brother Michael and I sit with you gladly and I sit with you proud. I laugh with you; I cry with you. I relax. I walk. While you may point out your fears I myself point out the glorious ways in which you work for me. Sometimes your tiniest effort of reaching out brings me the most pleasure. There are times when we are virtually reaching out as one, and I am able to see when our energy exchange has been received. Then there are the times like right now when we all gather, and when I hear from your voices that you gather in my name that you love for me. This is what tells the whole universe that we are walking forward, and we are changing this world, and we are indeed working the great divine plan. We are most certainly team mates. I feel like your brother; I feel brotherly toward you. I feel like one of the guys, and you joked that perhaps it wasn’t a divine moment, but I am here to tell you that we are in the divine age. It is not something to come; it is what we are now. Just like in this moment when you face yourselves in this circle looking towards the fellowshipping, the brotherhood, this group, instead of outward toward unhappier places. This is what I ask you to do for me. Keep your focus in this manner. Your valuable intentions are serving your world in a divine manner. Your love for one another is divine. Your desires have the essence of divine in any manner which you are able to define. Oh, children of light, I walk so proudly and do so look forward to the growth, the creativity, the adventure, and the continuous depth of your desires. I am but a whisper away, and I thank you from the depths of my heart.
Monjoronson (Jonathan): Greetings to you, this is Monjoronson, happy to reside among the beautiful light, to enjoy each personality present and to behold the splendor of the divine luminosity radiating from each one of you. You are the anchor for this light; the power is great, and the forces strong. You are learning your relationship with this divinity, and you are coming to realize your role in actively illuminating your planet however humbly, however localized. Our discussions involving light anchors I am going to add to. When "anchor" is used to describe the mechanics of locking light into a situation, it also creates the question of what is at the other end of the line attached to the anchor. The line is the light, but that which is floating above is the divine presence. You have questioned to what extent you must consciously maintain an anchorage. Once you have locked the locations, God’s source within you will maintain the connection; being timeless, you need not be concerned over its terminality. The light will remain as long as the Father sees fit and the Supreme purpose is fulfilled. I will continue with this analogy further, for as an anchor is tethered to a buoy or a boat so is there a medium on which this buoy floats. That is love. The divine spirit floats upon love, and light anchors it to the earth. When you encounter deep valleys of fear, of uncertainty, love fills the void. It is the lifter which carries you over those depths. When you gaze up to the high mountains and feel insignificant and that the challenge of the climb seems far too great, love raises the level and turns those giant mountains into the tiny tips of islands where you can walk ashore and be at that height. In your anchoring of light also perceive the leveling of love; let it wash out in all directions circumferentially. Lock your position in light and inundate the entire area in love. You thereby balance the location and enrich it with this twofold ministry. The higher you ascend in your spiritual unfoldment the deeper will be this ocean of love on which you float. The stronger you are as a vessel the deeper and the stronger will be your light anchor, and you will be counted upon to drop anchor in some very deep waters, for you will have acquired the ability to make that position hold firm that the light may stabilize. I applaud you for choosing any situation for such activity; be your choice the shallow bay, you learn the technique whereby you may infuse the light and spread love. While you are so masterfully assisted by the divine presence, you are also surrounded by numerous personalities likewise so endowed, and this interconnected circuitry is the means whereby others take up that love, take in the light. This is also why you can initiate and then allow the unfoldment of divine workings. Your personal human effort is valuable, but it is also only one element of the entire process. So, trust greatly in the magnificence of the divine mind to interwork with all involved.
Sheila: Jada sent us a picture that he drew representing the web. I find it intriguing. Do you have something to add to that, something we might perceive? Exercise with it?
Monjoronson: My first comment is for each one of you to own your location in the webwork for, as any fisherman knows, a net with a tear is less efficient and likely will fail. While you know that you are accepted in the team, this mission, you also wonder what your own contribution can be. Is it of great significance or worth? Every crossing, every connection, must be as strong as any other. Some are stationed around the periphery and tie the unit into a piece; that is my staff. But the body, all the filaments, you are of that. Urantia has spun haphazard webs, incohesive, well intended, as mankind has sought to interconnect to establish circuitry. But the effort is now to create a work of art in symmetry and the simultaneous establishment of simplicity and complexity. This is not a single plane web; it is multi-dimensional. This is where our lessons on the anchors of light factor in, for your connection in your earthly web is connected to the celestial web by way of your light channel. Your Light project of the new beings, Wave, Light, is an effort to also take those vertical light connections and move them laterally from one self to another self and from the celestial side of one anchor point to another and crisscross those columns thereby establishing a new node, a new connection, of light crossings. This is how a personality such as Wave becomes bestowed by Father, as He sees Supreme potential established at that crossing and endows it with its own identity. I hope I have supplemented your investigation. Sheila: Thank you.
Harold: On the concept of humility and pride, when Michael says he’s proud of our accomplishments, can you elaborate on the difference between that kind of pride and what drove Lucifer crazy?
Michael (Sheila): If I may address you, I am your brother. Once again we are at a point where we can often redefine. When I speak of being proud it is in a measurement of balance. As you are well aware there are those who become addicted to self-pride and can become unbalanced in association with others. In my term it is in essence a matter of associating love and . .. [brief interruption] a love and an association with balanced fellowshipping in this case. It contains the essence of oneness. It is a giving or acknowledging a vibrational balance. It contains a tone of harmony. It is more or less a gift of acknowledging balance. I am aware of a tone, a color, an essence when you speak of your love for me. I receive it as a balanced essence, and I return it likewise. I give permission to take any terminology of the old ways that might be perceived as a negative or un-whole and to redefine. This may be done in any conversation, thought process, in which you feel a lack of love and turn it into one that is founded by love. This is the new world. You are the new creators, and I say let’s redefine likewise. Is this helpful?
Harold: I understand the redefinition of the word "pride" as the balance of love being given and received. Is that correct?
Michael: Only if you are capable of perceiving it so. I would refrain from "right" or "wrong", but perhaps "old" and "new". When there is not an exchange in the definition there is a gap or a hole in the circle. In redefining you will feel the harmony, the flow.
Harold: Can it be said then that Lucifer was accepting the respect and love of others without returning it?
Michael: Even by reading the story you were able to fill the gap in the story. You could feel where a flow had been interrupted. In the act of forgiveness this is where the gap is closed, and this is where the light or the redefining can be completed. When the light returns to the broken circle or the flow the light can then fill and flow and heal. Yet another broken cycle is filled with light. This is why this world is healing, because many of you are filling the gaps with light. Now there is so much light that it is much easier to see where there is a gap and where you are capable of anchoring. This is why this project is so successful.
Ginny: You spoke of us as being the new creators. What types of things are we going to be able to create?
Michael: We are waiting to see. Creating a beautiful day is a good start. Creating peace in your life is a good start. Creating light anchors is a miracle in itself.
John: I was listening to music yesterday, native American, a brother and sister. I was flying with you and Mother and Light and Wave and Machiventa and Monjoronson. It was very freeing and very loving and very exhilarating. I was reluctant to share. I enjoyed it.
Michael: And this is what you created for yourself, and thank you for having us along. It is not only your visual that we share but your tone and your colors.
John: Are we accurate in redefining the new free will, that we will be knowing truth and knowing awareness, higher consciousness? And our free will as we are dedicated to the light will naturally go that way?
Michael: This is also a good start. I will say that as you let go of old definitions new ones will awaken before your eyes. Then you will attempt to put words, and of course this is where thoughts will sometimes get in the way. I would say that paying attention to feelings as you search for these words will better redefine. You see, redefining is not just about words but acknowledging feelings. This will be the key to much that is coming your way. Although words are still very much used in your communication while here, this too is changing. For now I will say recognize and remember feelings. Remember to recognize a place or a situation or a person by the feelings.
Pride, Humility
Monjoronson (Jonathan): This is Monjoronson and I wish to also place my comments in this discussion regarding pride. We train our staff to be mindful of such an orientation of mind, for it is not an emotion wholly human; it is found in many levels of consciousness. The key distinction between wholesome pride and unwholesome pride is the element of integration. Is the pride integral with other beings or reality factors? Or is it a pride that is dissociated and independent of contingencies? Lucifer’s mistake was his independence thus preventing further growth. Pride in the development of, say, your child’s abilities is a pride of interdependence, of the recognition of your role in their accomplishment, and always knows of greater attainments ahead. The options are open. Independent pride prevents further options, seals itself in conceit, and prevents the further stimulus toward corrective or progressive developments.
Harold: Would you say humility is the same integration of contributing factors?
Monjoronson: Yes. It understands that what great work may have been accomplished was dependent upon other factors to make it so. It all was not done by self alone but through interdependence. Yet the accomplishment may be recognized and enjoyed.
Elyon: This is Elyon and I would like to bring our classroom to a close and to thank our two Paradise Sons, our brothers Michael and Monjoronson, for their presence here today. These are two high beings who love you each and recognize your accomplishments. While they wield great power and you and I are but of human origin, they know you with great understanding, and they love you with deep feeling. These are our teachers, and I, as you, benefit from them greatly. I take time now for us to recognize and honor them for sharing that love.