2006-08-13-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My little ones, your Mother is here to guide you into the new life that is coming to your world. No more will lies and deception fester in the hearts and minds of your brothers and sisters. A great truth and peace comes to supplant the legacy of error and evil that has existed here for eons of time.

This is a time of great rejoicing for the entire universe as the forces, energies, and powers of Heaven converge upon this beautiful planet so long-suffering. You have all paid the price of patience and faith, and now you will see changes that make your heart soar!

Keep the faith! Open your hearts ever wider to your Father and me as we move through you with a might that this world has never seen. The time is here. Yes, there will be turmoil and struggle as the new energies of love and peace settle into the circuits of the planet’s energy system, but when they have been firmly rooted here, your minds will be feasting on a love so sweet that you will feel a satisfaction in your core that you have never experienced.

Beloved children, welcome these changes and know that all things work to the greater glory of the One in Paradise who created the family of which we are all an integral part. Welcome heaven upon you and know that our grace is enfolding you with each breath you take.