2006-09-24-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Gather yourselves around me, my little ones. I am your Mother and I am here to send you out into the world with my Spirit upholding you in peace and joy. Visualize yourself standing before a great light undulating with power and intensity. Allow this light to infuse your being now. Sit in this visualization and relax. Receive me, and relax fully into my embrace.
As you sit with me, focus on these energies building themselves within you. They are gathering within you and creating a greater amplitude of love energy to bring you into alignment with your Father. Notice how they interact in your being…feel their resonance. Love is alive and moving through you.
Gather these energies within by your desire to be LOVE. Magnetize this energy to you by your intention to receive it fully in each cell. You have all been receiving information about what love is, now experience it as you sit with me.
I am your Mother. I build you in LOVE. Receive this now and become what is growing in you.