2006-10-02-Errors of Short Cutting Father's Plan
Topic: Errors of Short Cutting Father's Plan
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father, thank you for this group meeting. Thank you for the blessings that you have given to each one of us. Help us to use these blessings to further our intent to serve you Father; to be the children that you want us to be and to go forward in our lives to do the intentions that we have in our minds to grow, to become closer to you. We love you so much. Help each one of us to take care of these temples that you live in Father and purify us for service to our brothers and sisters. We invite all the Teachers and we invite JarEl, Michael, Monjoronson, Nebadonia and all our angels who are with us tonight to be a part of our meeting, to share our lives, to assist us in understanding the truth, to assist us in growing. May your will be done in our lives. Amen
JarEl: TR, George: Good evening. It is I, your Teacher JarEl. It is good to be back again. It is good to see this dedicated group of people surrounding and ready to receive messages, ideas, concepts, truth and beauty. There is so much out there to learn, to see. There is so much potential for growth and experience. The universe is made up of millions of obstacles that challenge you everyday and produce a better you. It is a great adventure in which you shall embark and most of you are already on your way.
The things that are hidden from you in this universe are merely absent temporarily for your benefit. In time you will learn many secrets that this universe holds. All in due time as you grow within yourself you shall become aware of all that you need to know to effectively become one with the true Source and Center. It is a great responsibility and privilege to connect fully with the Father. You must become an adequate vessel for this energy to pass through. If you attempt to 'jump the gun' so to speak, the information that will come through will seem so distorted and damaging to yourself that it will greatly hinder you from going forth. But if you allow patience to control your thoughts and ideas, if you allow for the Father's plan to work within you, then all good things will come to those who wait.
Throughout your history you have seen the errors of the ways when attempting to shortcut the Father's plan. You saw it with the Lucifer rebellion and then later with the Adamic parent. It is only when Michael made his appearance here on Urantia that you saw true patience and forbearance; that you began to see a true character, a true Son of God, practice infinite patience towards his children. It is this kind of patience which I ask you to consider. For this patience will take you forward and allow you to experience more and more of what this universe has to offer. This patience of allowing time to take its course, this patience of allowing wealth to come to you when appropriate. There is much for you to know but it is not necessary for you to know it all now. There is time for you to learn, much time.
Perhaps right now you do not understand this timeless concept for your lives are so short here on this planet that time is of the essence for you. But, believe me, you will have much time to learn, to practice and to grow. Many of your friends who have passed over are barely beginning to understand this timeless concept. They rushed their lives through only to be halted and told that they have much time to learn. It is difficult for many to be patient; to allow their beings to naturally grow. So many on your world try to speed things up, causing chaos to ensue, nations to fall. If you will only allow things to grow and to mature, your world will be so much better.
I know that I do not speak to an ignorant crowd. I know that you understand what I say; I know that the words that I speak have meaning to you. Therefore do I reiterate this basic concept to you because you will take it and learn from it and you will gather more value from this message than others.
It is a strange concept for this world at times - patience. For the whole world rarely utilizes this concept. Especially in your large cities will you find an impatient people; those who have no regard for others and who are always in a hurry to get to this place or another. They are always in a hurry to finish their work, they are always in a hurry to finish their conversation. They are always in a hurry, hardly ever do they pause and consider and think and contemplate and imagine and dream. Hardly ever do they look into the eyes of the other person and consider their innermost thoughts, rarely ever do they look into their own thoughts and meditate over their idea of life. This produces in that person a chaotic mess that disorganizes their thoughts and creates in them a rift that separates them from others and essentially isolates them from the world. Then this isolation can carry through to everyone for many are impatient and many are isolated.
But when you meditate, when you think and when you pause, you counteract this impatience and you begin to appreciate the beauty that is around you and you begin to appreciate the people who surround you. You begin to appreciate the laughing children and even the screaming children. You even begin to appreciate the traffic you are sitting in. It is only a matter of attitude, of how you look at things. Are you always in a hurry to go through this world, or can you take your time? Can you be patient when it comes to your life? Can you stroll through it rather than rush? Is it so difficult to consider another person? Is it so difficult to see beyond your own world and the things that you want? Obviously, impatience is rooted in some deeper cause, but I will not go into that. I simply would like to discuss this concept with you. That is all.
I understand that this group was discussing the possible induction of another TR. I will now make this space available for those who wish to transmit a Teacher.
(Several minutes passed silently)
I congratulate you for you showed much patience right now. However, there is no other Teacher who will come through.
Are there any questions here tonight?
John: JarEl, I feel a strong need, a wanting to somehow contribute to this group. However, I sense that perhaps I need more courage; perhaps I have too much fear of the unknown. Is there anything you can do to sort of pave the road for me a little bit here?
JarEl: TR, George: Of course my dear brother. There is always some sort of caution that is associated with the unknown; something that is beyond your sight and boundaries. But I ask you to consider this. The one being, the one entity, the one true source that has been with you throughout all your years, the Father in Heaven, the God that you prayed to as a child, has always been there for you, always by your side, always in your thoughts. This Father that we all share is our common link to one another. He is a protector of us all and he is a protector of you. So when you ask for this Father's protection when you are afraid of this unknown, of this great beyond, look towards Him and you will find solace and you will find warmth and caring. Perhaps this will ease your fears for wherever you go, the Father will always be by your side and whatever you do He will be there.
So allow this fear to subside for it is only fear of imagined threats; there is no real danger when attempting to connect with the Father. You have been attempting this connection all your life and it has only brought you more and more happiness in spite of your current world situation. Connecting with the Father is the one sure way of finding this happiness and perhaps that will calm your fears. There is much you can contribute and already you have contributed by your presence and your support of this group. In due time you will begin to understand what your purpose is and what you are meant to do. I hope this helps.
John: Thank you very much, yes.
JarEl: TR, George: Are there any other questions? (. no questions) Very well, the idea that I want to leave you all with is this. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel ready to burst because you are so impatient and so frustrated that you feel ready to act out, stop and consider those who are around you. Think about their own situation, think about their hardships and their struggles, think about how they also search for happiness. Think about how they, perhaps, need to find God. Think about how they love their children and think about how they one day may learn to love you. Then perhaps you will be less impatient for perhaps you may even learn to love them as brothers and sisters. For we are all in this life together, we are all experiencing this world together. It is only befitting of us to consider those who are around us. I leave you with this. Goodnight.
All: Goodnight JarEl
There is much you can contribute and already you have contributed by your presence and your support of this group. In due time you will begin to understand what your purpose is and what you are meant to do. I hope this helps.
John: Thank you very much, yes.
JarEl: TR, George: Are there any other questions? (no questions) Very well, the idea that I want to leave you all with is this. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel ready to burst because you are so impatient and so frustrated that you feel ready to act out, stop and consider those who are around you. Think about their own situation, think about their hardships and their struggles, think about how they also search for happiness. Think about how they, perhaps, need to find God. Think about how they love their children and think about how they one day may learn to love you. Then perhaps you will be less impatient for perhaps you may even learn to love them as brothers and sisters. For we are all in this life together, we are all experiencing this world together. It is only befitting of us to consider those who are around us. I leave you with this. Goodnight.
All: Goodnight JarEl