2006-11-12-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
The language of LOVE is alive, my children. This is your Father Michael, and I greet you with this living essence of SPIRIT that is woven into your being. As you read this message, sit with the intention that the language of LOVE move in you and fill in the gaps in your light body where shadows of darkness unkissed by your Mother still reside.
More and more I encourage you to see yourselves beyond the confines of your physical body, and to be elevated into the realm where our vision of you can create a new idea and experience within you of who you truly are.
You are more than you know, more than you have experienced heretofore. You are beings of light, love, purity, goodness, truth, and beauty. I encourage you to fully accept yourself in this moment just as I love and accept you. Sit in this place of wanting to see yourself as your Mother and I view you. Spend time here and feel how much you need this vision of yourself to penetrate any old remaining ideas and shadows about yourself. Delight in what you experience as we move in you!