2006-11-22-The Mansion Worlds
Topic: The Mansion Worlds
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel of Panoptia
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “At last you have reached the required depth. It has taken some time, because they have been busy days for you, we know.
“This is Samuel, and I wish to relay to you some aspects of life on the Mansion Worlds. Yes, I journeyed to, became a resident on, went through, and graduated from the Mansion Worlds, one after another, and in fairly regular succession. These are the same worlds whereon, we trust, many years from now you will awaken, and whereon we will be sure to embrace.
“At first on my arrival it was like an awkward arousing of ‘Where am I’, of finding my feet, of getting used to the pace, the routine, discovering my new environment, and especially of my being given ample opportunity to research, and once again remember and let clearly resonate in my soul what had been noted by Angels and Administrators about the mortal life I had led.
“You will find that Mansonia administration, relating to individuals on the physical worlds of evolution, is being conducted on a timely and thorough basis. There are countless who are responsible for such record keeping, and it goes on around the clock, for life on the evolutionary worlds is lived around the clock.
“One might very well expect that one ‘comes away from’ mortal life with a healthy memory, or flawless record of one’s earthly sojourn and interactions, but not so. And it requires the advanced minds of the Administrators so employed to piece together the records of one’s life and relationships, which is much more accurate than any biased human memory might hope for. In fact, the Morontia notations are a near-perfect overall record.
“And so, in the forward steps that one takes in Mansion World life -- the Morontia life aimed towards one’s eternal life as a fused being – and as one is required to do with any project, there needs to be an accurate evaluation of one’s talents, one’s aptitude in interactions, one’s education, one’s motivation; one’s abilities in short, and these talents are much more accurately gauged by, identified by, and portrayed by, those who look from the outside in.
“It would please me a great deal to, in the future, follow up on the Morontia experience -- tell you more of what life is like on these (Mansion) worlds for you, the future pilgrims of time in space. This is Samuel. I say goodbye for now.”
George: “Thank you Samuel.”