2006-11-24-We Step Gratefully Forward
Topic: We Step Gratefully Forward
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Joyce Brenton
Michael: “We step gratefully forward into the gift of this bright new day, My beloveds. We have left the old ungrateful, unenlightened days far behind.
“We hold no one captive to any semblance of anger and un-forgiveness. And we delight to serve our beloved Father’s Will to love one and all.
“Although we do not know of the challenges that lie ahead, we do not fear the unknown in any part of life’s unexpected circumstances. We are confident that Father’s Love manifesting in us, and extending through us, will see us through whatever we encounter.
“Yes, we happily accept this day as perfect including its surprises. We will walk in joy and grateful expectation to the full evolutionary extent of our faithful servant’s heart.
“We know we walk each day in perfect alignment to our Father’s Will on earth, with the full understanding that His perfect Will is perfecting each of us, His most beloved children. We are, each of us, His very beautiful Gifts to each new day.”