2006-12-07-You Are Highly Esteemed
Topic: You Are Highly Esteemed
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Joyce Brenton
Michael:“My beloveds, I have called on you as My Ambassadors of Love.
“This world esteems highly its ambassadors to foreign countries. These delegates serve as goodwill ambassadors from one nation to another; delegates for peace, goodwill and the propagation of benevolent understanding, oft times in the throes of ego-centered chaos.
“Likewise, My beloveds, you are highly esteemed in the unseen celestial dimensions. You serve the highest purpose of universal neediness. You are the initiators of Love and Light, laying the groundwork for the long, awaited era of peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind.
“You serve as our Father’s beloved advocates for love. And you serve in every area of humanity’s endeavors.
“You serve in your marriages, your extended families, in the workplace and above all in the grand work place of your collective consciousness. You are the advance forces for love and light made manifest.”