2006-12-10-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My little ones, I gather you into my bosom. This is your Mother of Spirit, and I greet you with my open heart and arms that you may truly feel how deeply and passionately you are loved. It is my desire for you to truly experience LOVE down into the deepest fibers of your being, and it is my desire for you to radiate this LOVE out to others.

Sit in a place of quiet as you read these words. Ask your body to open to LOVE and instruct your body that this is what it needs so that it can heal in many ways that are necessary for your growth. You will not always know exactly where you need this LOVE, but that is all right, for I know where you do. I can fill in all of those places where you require LOVE.

As you sit in stillness now, receive my LOVE and know that it is being seeded into you. I radiate this into your being as it goes where there is need. Receive, receive, receive and be filled. Spend as much time sitting in this state now and receive what you need, my children.

I am you Mother. I grow you in Spirit as you grow in my universe womb. Feel me stir in you and know that you are growing in LOVE—the energies of what you need to become strong, vibrant children of God who live life in joy and peace.