2006-12-17-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is your Father Michael. Clinging to the past in both your thinking and feeling centers will be taking you on a journey into the shadows of your self. I am here to pour the light of the heavens into you as you gain more spirit substance into your being.
You can certainly choose to see your shadows, but I ask you: is your shadow self larger than your light self? If it is, then sit with me and ask me to grow the light stronger in you—into all of the layers of your being. Allow yourself to see that more beauty, truth, and goodness are weaving themselves in the layers of your woundedness, even down to your core.
Yes, my children, life in a physical body and on a rugged physical sphere is challenging to your faith. However, you do have a lifeline and that is me. Whenever you feel the tugs of your shadow self causing you pain, turmoil, anguish and despair, simply focus on me and ask me to fill you with light. Sometimes you may need to spend your entire day doing this if your shadow self is particularly stubborn!
Remember, you are children of spirit—a great luminosity is seeded at your core and wants to shine more brightly within and without. By coming to me, I can turn on your internal switches and help you not only see and feel the light, but help you identify more with it. This light is the shimmering radiance of your soul. It wants to fill you with a loving warmth and courageous faith that will make you shine brightly. That is my desire for you…is it yours as well?