2006-12-24-Christmas Message
Topic: Christmas Message
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. As you celebrate the traditional time of my birth as Jesus on your world, I invite you to also ask me to stir in your heart. Feel me! I am alive in you. That I lived a human life as you now do builds the bridge of communication that we can share together. I know the path you walk each and every day. I can help you walk this path with greater faith, hope, and joy.
My life was dedicated to coming into an awareness of the Father in Paradise and following my internal guidance to discern the ways of Spirit. Each of you has that opportunity too. And it will be the thrilling joy of your life to experience more fully the internal recognition of God within. It lightens the burden of daily life; it illuminates your life path; it warms you from the inside out; it fills you with peace.
Over the course of my human life I became more filled with our Father’s love, to the degree that it was discernible to others as it emanated outwardly from my inner core. My beloveds, this is my Christmas wish for you. May you feel the presence of our Father ripen your soul, enliven every fiber of your being and be shared among others freely. My children, live in our Father, spread his love around and watch the magic happen! That is the joy of Christmas!