2007-01-11-Learning To Feed The Many With Spirit
Topic: Learning to Feed the Many with Spirit
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Malvantra, Michael
TR: Jonathan
Malvantra: Hello my brothers and sisters, this is Malvantra. I have great admiration for all of you as you work sincerely for Michael in each way you can knowing full well your seemingly small efforts are cherished by Him and that you will receive all guidance as necessary, that your efforts will be of benefit to the seekers about you who hunger for truth and desire to coordinate the cosmic perspective with a balanced life.
You will recall the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand when Jesus pulled from what appeared to be very little food source, enough for all. My friends, each one of you is like those baskets passed among the crowd. You are seemingly filled with little by which to feed and yet as you give, more comes forth and you are able to feed far more than you would ever conceive.
This is what we do now in this correcting mission. Out of little manifests much. Each one of you has what may be considered a deep well within. I would actually prefer to view that well as rising vertically in depth rather than sinking deeply. It is that avenue through which the human personality interfaces with the divine presence. It is the first and foremost circuit that you are engaged in. Many feel that the distance between is great and that contact is afar and it is only inasmuch as the personality of the human lacks the attainments required for such a sublime interface.
But in contact, you have an infinite depth of goodness, of beauty, of truth. It is the presence of God. And as you refine your approach the quantity of the outpouring of spirit upon you increases and the quality that is the accuracy of your discernment also increases. It is of great value for you to go apart from one another in solitude and be with Father in heaven. Out of this relationship are you thereby better able to function in the ministry that we are promulgating on this world.
After having acknowledged this relationship within your being, you are empowered to begin any project that is inspired upon you by your celestial brethren. You will though, be in need of maturation, that is, the development of better skill and application. When you are bestowed upon by the Light of Lights you have a rich gift but like any talent you must improve on your own. Assistance is beside you and resides within you but it is your responsibility to become more, to become higher, to become pure and to become more greatly able. These cannot be forced upon you.
Deep in that basket are many loaves and many fishes but you must take them out and you must give them. We have coming upon us events on this world of great transformation and with them, those transformations, come the transformers. Your skies may be filled with hosts of celestial being who likewise may bring gifts of revelations of new planetary arrangements of cultural and social advancement none of which will occur without each of you reaching into your basket and giving. A one may say I have only one loaf, and I say, reach in, you'll find two, then three, then four.
It appears one at only one point in time and then there is the other. give and you will receive. Give again and more comes forth. Therefore my brothers and sisters, never sell yourselves short. Work within for greater relationship with holiness and you will have access to that deep well, that deep basket of ministry to others. I am desirous of having you interface with me at this point and I thereby ask you to come forth with questions or comments as you desire.
Q: Malvantra, that beautiful analogy of the loaves and fishes was not lost on me and there are days when I feel I don't have any more fish in my basket. That was a very inspiring lesson and makes me think I might have another book in me. Creatively speaking there may be a way where we are able to feed the multitudes with creative works. What do we do with those who tell us where we're looking from, making a profit and becoming rich and famous off the kingdom?
Malvantra: I have a simple comment, that is , ignore them for you know only within yourself your motives and your creativity is your contribution to the Father's will as revealed through you. If you approach your project primarily with this intention, it matters not profit of lack thereof for you desire first to express, to create, to teach and to inspire. It is that taking no thought for tomorrow for it will take care of itself. You live in a world of sequences of a technical mechanical nature. Thereby must you approach the spreading of your creative act by methods established by your civilization and this does require investment, and to be sustained needs return.
These are merely material levels of outwork, secondary repercussions to the primary creative act in partnership with spirit. As you search your soul you know your motives and purpose. Criticism from without is good for it offers the opportunity for reflection but when you know honestly your motives, then be about the Father's business and do so confidently. As I have said we need you to reach into your basket and take out those loaves and give them.
Q: Such a great analogy, really inspiring, thank you.
Malvantra: You are welcome and I must say that I count you and the many among this mission as loaves themselves, who are emerging from this basket of outreach promulgated by Michael on this planet. [thank you]
Q: Malvantra, you just suggested searching your own soul which is obviously exceptional advice which we all need to do on a regular basis. Do you have any suggestions, recommendations, or insights as to how to discern the difference between a response or an inner action or a connection with soul versus something that is more generated from mind or intellect? A deeper thing versus a more shallow analysis?
Malvantra: As you have said, that deeper thing is what will distinguish a soul search from merely a ponderance of mind. But the mind is not left out for it does the searching, and I couple heart with mind into the whole mindedness of your being and you look towards that miraculous composition which is your soul, your interface with the divine spirit, that membrane, that connective glue, that lubricant between two dimensions is your soul, and as you gaze upon it in reflective meditation you will begin to see that where your mind perceives concepts and your heart has desires and feelings and wishes, your soul is panoramic in its inclusiveness and its cohesiveness.
It is that view from the mountain top wherein your concepts and desires are oriented and are clarified. A soul search not only looks toward a goal or a motive but looks at its equal opposite and in balance perceives the totality of the wholeness and from there you are better able to decide and to know. I hope this has helped.
Q: That is beautiful, it has helped immensely and I am grateful.
Michael: I am Michael. I embrace you and I thank Malvantra for his engagement with you. You are, as I have repeatedly told you, cherished and you will continually receive this expression by me forever for my love for you is infinite. You will walk the surface of many spheres and you will be absorbed into the radiant presence of our Father. And you will in ages to come be sent to worlds that were only beginning to discern and I will be ever confident in your ability to minister then as I am confident in your ability to minister now.
This is your initial training but the requirements of events in the ages to come are no different than they are today on Urantia. I have pledged to heavenly Father that I will let not one of you fall to the wayside. I give Him back the gift He gave me which are you. And as I have taught of the talents I will give to Him more than He has given me by bestowing all the grace, all the love and all the light I have and that you will receive. It is a wonderful interval of development my little Urantia is going through. It may be upsetting to those who dwell on your world, uncertain of how progress will unfold, nervous that perhaps that there will be no progress but rather disruption.
My children, I have thousands upon thousands of worlds, many far more advanced and many not as well advanced and I can see that good and stability and progress is the order and will be the result. Urantia is blessed and you, its inhabitants are blessed. We bow before the Light of Lights and take in that love. Father, lift up all. May they receive the assurance of guidance and may they be reckoned as those who served diligently and trustworthily in this my kingdom of Nebadon. I will let you go at this time and do go forth and proclaim the gospel, shalom.