2007-02-19-Small Events Tools for Handling Larger Issues
Topic: Small Events Tools for Handling Larger Issues
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I really enjoy seeing you all together. It is such a warm family feeling when we can meet and allow the old to fall away and welcome in the new. I have been thinking about our past few years together and how our Mission baby has grown into a fine young person. We have been the parents to something awesome. Our union has become much more solidified and our family dedication has made a wonderful foundation to build upon. Each unique individual has brought many ideas to help in the rearing of this Teaching Mission child. It took each one of us to bring it to the point it is now. In each parents life there is sorrow and pain, but the love and joy that is received makes everything worthwhile.
I am MARY. Greetings, my fellows, I am in understanding of Abraham’s words even though I was not a parent on the earth. I had many children however that I did look after and also a great deal of experience on Mansonia number two. It is always inspiring to know that we will never miss out on anything. In our eternal careers there will be opportunity to fulfill any longing you have ever had. We need not ever be regretful or lose hope. The mortal life is the beginning to something great and we all must start small and do the grunt work, as they say.
I did not know Jesus when He was a young lad learning to build birdhouses. He disliked building the seemingly insignificant projects. He longed to work with his father on the more important ones. We all have thought at one time or another how wonderful it would be to obtain instant knowledge without the rigors of study and hands-on experience. Jesus’ father knew well that starting small would help the young lad to learn manual dexterity, about working with the grain of the wood, different types of wood, different types of fasteners, the tools to connect each piece.
Jesus did pester his father to skip over this ‘child’s play’ to work on the more important things and Joseph was tempted to grant the boy his desire. He did give Jesus the choice to learn things right the first time or learn things the hard way and of course, the Master experimented with both. As Jesus grew He realized His father was really quite wise and knew his livelihood well.
I bet you’re wondering where I am going with all of this. While we have no rules, laws or doctrine in our Urantian community, we do have some basic knowledge of right and wrong. We make effort to quiet the ego and our desires, to make room for Father’s will, so that He can guide us in a way that is most efficient and the way that will help us to retain what we have learned.
Every day there are small opportunities that will test our patience. We are made to practice tolerance with those who are a real irritant. It would seem practical to slide through all of this petty drama and yet, this is the birdhouse that leads us to attaining the skills to take on much larger things. I must say you are each doing much better with keeping your emotions at bay, but still there are issues to work on that help us to learn the ins and outs of the human mind, relationships, and our own personal shortcomings.
This week let us pay special attention to those small events that help us gain the tools to handle larger issues. Every day in the world there seems to be more and more tragic occurrences. People are looking for the faithful heart and a logical mind. They are looking for meaning to their sorrow. They are looking for a reason to not blame God for everything. We will be there. We will be a voice of reason. We will be a light in the dark. That is all for this evening. You know that we are with continuing love for each one of you. How honored we are to serve side by side with you. Godspeed, friends. Until next time, shalom.