2007-03-11-Supreme Values, Re-tuning Your Mind
Topic: Supreme Values, Re-tuning Your Mind
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Elyon
TR: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
Monjoronson (Mark TR): I would be happy to have the opportunity to join your group. I am Monjoronson and I am well pleased to see your discussions evolve around your current materials, and I would offer to throw my contribution in to the thought-stream as it relates to your discussion regarding the principles that you have witnessed, demonstrated, within the context of the production.
The Secret. I refer to all that is pertained there as a demonstration of technique and universe principles, but you have noted that there is also an element of choice which connotes a degree of awareness and of the exercise of values. The techniques illustrated are simply observable phenomenon, and, as with universal laws, they can be fairly counted on to repeat themselves and act according to universal laws. Therefore, once you figure out how a system works, how a law is in effect, you can use the effect of this law to your own advantage by shifting the values that you use in activating this universe principle.
I observe that you experienced some disharmony with the baser elements of material manipulation over the choice of exercising higher values, spiritual values, and I applaud that you recognize this distinction. You have yourselves grown in your awareness and progressed in your values enough to now readily see the contrast of approaches when they arise before you.
You are right when you ask: is not the real question after learning of this, then, what will you choose? This is where you, my friends, have an added dimension of choice that you have configured of your own efforts. You have assembled a new arena of values that you would like to manifest and bring into the material realm exactly like those who are unaware and know no different than to seek improved material surroundings.
Once you have experienced your perspective of the greater things in life you realize that they are not contained in the material components of life but rather in your spiritual standing at any given time. But to a great many out there they do not have your perspective of what is truly worth asking for in this exercise. So they will call upon these universe principles, they will activate these laws, and the results will remain predictable as long as they adhere to the basic principles. The question arises then: how do you change the values so that one knows more perfectly what to ask for and what to activate this circuit for? And I reflect to you that it is this same universe principle which can be utilized to increase your arena of values.
If it is true that you attract what you project, then perhaps engaging in the projection of desiring more Supreme values would be effective. In this way you can use the one principle to elevate the use of that same principle. You can build your awareness of values in this way and become more and more effective at knowing what it is that is truly the best thing to ask for. I will also support the point that was made that you can always check your orientation to the most Supreme value that you are aware. When you bring that value to prayer, to worship, to gratitude and appreciation for being a part of such a universe principle, a magnificence law, when you come in gratitude, you are inclined to be more service oriented and less self centered, for gratitude fills you with the desire to do good to others and crowds out much of the material selfism that provides the contrasts that we discussed. Again, another predictable universe principle, when you come to a point of gratitude and appreciation, you are opening yourself up to be filled by what the universe would bring to you.
Let it be Supreme values, let it be higher understanding, enhanced capacities, greater awareness; let these be the things that you receive in your process of asking, believing, and receiving. Ask for the greatest things, and the lesser things will certainly be contained therein. Now that you know the secret what will you choose? What will your thoughts be? How will you take control more over your destiny? I am sure that your choices will be spectacular ones. You are inspired; you are on fire for spirit, and therefore are all these different means finding their way to you as the answer to your prayer, as that which you have projected that you desire so now it arrives. Let us be more aware of this function, of this purpose, of this reality that goes on around us. And let us be more purposeful about that we would have or not have or be or not be.
Those seemingly innocent and everyday choices are in a way your magnificent statement to the universe of what to bring you next. Let us choose the highest, the best, the most perfect, the greatest ideals we can have. Let us exercise that choice, and then let us all stand in awe as we receive that which the universe would bring to us in this process. I contain my remarks there to allow for others. I cherish this experience and thank you all for this opportunity. I come to you in gratitude and express it to the Father as well. Farewell.
Elyon (Jonathan): This is Elyon. I greet you. It is a pleasure to have our Magisterial Son here to provide instruction, and to be with him it is my honor, and I will effort to assist in your upliftment. You have advanced your understanding of the makeup of the human being through your various studies and your living experiments with discovered truth. In the course you have learned of the hierarchical impact of spirit upon mind, mind upon form.
You are aware that the human mind is a focalization of the greater mind of Mother Spirit, who likewise is a focalization of the greater cosmic mind which is circumscribed to the time/space realm and is a focalization of the absolute mind of the Infinite Spirit. In the course of maturity in your human life you have learned to use your focalization to coordinate your body and to achieve actions. As you have developed a brotherhood of like-minded souls, you are also learning that spirit is coordinating each mind focalization and that you all as one body function well and in harmony with greater coordination. It is said that if you don't like the mind you have you can replace it with the mind of Christ.
The mind you have is a gift of Michael and Mother, and it would be more correct to say that your mind is not to be replaced but to be re-tuned. You know of your radios that frequencies are all about you in your environment; it is only when you choose to turn on your receiver and adjust the frequency that you receive a communication. Stillness functions in this manner to attain the mind of Michael. You establish a mental resonance which is capable of not only receiving that Christ-mindedness but of becoming that very signal. A coordinated individual can use left and right hands in expert ways to accomplish things. In the realm of mind your mind and another's mind in coordination also achieve many things, thus the statement "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Remember, Jesus said, "I and my Father are one".
Manifestation in the physical realm, enlightenment in consciousness, and unity of spirit are so intertwined that it would take a lifetime or more to thoroughly detail the interworkings. When you align in stillness you adjust your vibrational strings, and that tautness of your awareness allows you to manipulate, to pluck and play, many other frequencies and vibrations on into your physical realm and to do so with a masterly approach, with less haphazardness, with less carelessness. In going apart alone with Father you reach a clarity as did Jesus of your mission, your purpose, and how to execute that. Your point of power is in the very fact that you can say "I know" and "I am". You are spirit, that is I am. You are consciousness, that is, I know. These universe principles are meshed together and will respond flawlessly as you tune yourself to the mind of Christ. You realize your unity in the mind of Mother.
Thank you, my friends, for receiving my presentation. We are one.