2007-03-18-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, your Mother in Spirit greets you! I am here inside your mind at all times, creating that web of light that captures your Father’s essence to renew you. Struggle no longer with your cares and worries. I can breath fresh air into your mind and body. I give you the insight and compassion you need to carry one with your daily lives. Call on me; I will respond.
You need these pauses in your day to give you the stamina to complete your day in a state of peace and composure. It is possible to ride the waves of turbulence with a sense of serenity and fortitude when you open yourself up to me consciously throughout your day. Try this right now and ask me to refresh you. See how this feels!
You carry on with your concerns alone at times, or so you feel. However, this is never the case! Your Father loves you and is here for you to strengthen and uplift you into a new perspective of your life. I love you and can build you in these new ideas, yet you must ask, and you must be willing to quiet your mind to perceive what we long to give you.
Quiet your mind. Open your heart. Ask us to renew you. Still and wait. We will respond. Your time of peaceful replenishment is here. Take as much as you need and then go forth joyfully knowing that we are there whenever you turn inward and ask. My beloved, come to me and receive what I long to give you: peace, peace, peace!