2007-04-08-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved child, your Father greets you this happy day! I am Michael and I am the living risen Jesus that walked here on earth as you now do. In my earth life, I had the joy and opportunity to live as a human and grow into my own comprehension of my Mother-Father Creator-Source. My passing from life to life was demonstrated in my resurrection on this day of celebration. I am alive! I am with you always!
No more should my children of this world fear the passing from life to life. No more should my children doubt in the continuation of their journey God-ward. I showed you the way, and I now call you home into my Spirit which has been poured upon the earth to live in the hearts of humanity.
There is a song of joy that is waiting to be sung within your heart. Is it safe to open yourself to hear the song of your heart! Allow me to expand you a little more now and feel what it is like to hear this song from the inside out. On this day of remembrance of my victory over the fear-ridden idea of death, allow your heart to open to the enlivened spiritual energy that wants to liberate you from your body’s memory of pain, suffering and death.
In me there is eternal life, and it is yours just by having faith in me. I open your heart and guide you into the song of joy seeded therein. In joy you will find the renewal and rebirth of Easter’s resurrection, and gain the prize you have long sought. Trust me now, child, and LIVE!