2007-04-15-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My little child, your Mother Nebadonia greets you this day! As you journey through this season of renewal, I encourage you to ask yourself what you would like your Father and me to grow into you. What quality of His being do you need to renew yourself: patience, forgiveness, courage, tolerance, non-judgment, mercy, understanding, peace…all of the above? Whatever quality of goodness that you wish to embody, we will build that in you in all of the places where of your need.
Spiritual growth means expanding your capacity to live within us. We add the spirit threads into your mind and body that bring these divine attributes into the light of daily living experience. You show what you are made of by your actions. Do your actions represent these qualities of goodness, or are your actions of a different sort? If they are of a different sort, you can simply ask us to continue to build you in that attribute that will ultimately change your response to a more godly action.
It is time to embody these ways of Spirit and to continually ask for the renewal of our being into yours. You have many habits that do not favor your spiritual growth, yet each of these can be exchanged a little at a time by asking us to renew you in something better when you are in the midst of the old habitual behavior pattern. Why not develop this good habit of coming to us each time you catch yourself in your ingrained habits? We can help you step out of them each and every time.
You built these old habits over the course of your life. Now we invite you to turn to us and ask us to help you rebuild your life based on new habit patterns—the ones we instill in you. We will respond and you will delight in what see growing in you—the attributes of God coming to life in a human being. How glorious to see Spirit and human will conjoining to yield a person of goodness and beauty living in truth and love!