2007-05-27-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved child, this is your Father Michael. I invite you into the sacred space that we share in your heart center. Focus on this place within your being now and ask me to build you into my essence. Allow your heart to open, allow your body to respond and feel.

Much of what you experience contains much struggle and strife, yet herein there is something to gain. What you gain is what I can share with you as you go through this challenge. I can show you how you to view what is occurring to you through my eyes and construct a new reality for you to increasingly love what you are experiencing. Why judge what you are undergoing as difficult or distasteful when I can help you bring beauty, goodness and truth into your experience?

Allow me to share with you how I view what you experience. Allow me to offer you something new to consider. Take down your defenses of judgment and “knowingness” that I may impart something of greater value and usefulness into your being. Open the bastion of your protection against pain so I may share with you that which overcomes all struggle and suffering. By doing this, you gain the love and peace you crave. The portal through which this passes increases, expanding your capacity to receive even more.

My child, learn my ways by coming to me. Ask me, “Father, I need help now and I ask you to fill me with what you know I need in this moment.” Quiet your mind for a few moments as you ask. Sit quietly for a few moments and receive, and know that I will respond. As you practice this, know that a mighty spiritual habit is being born and that all good will come to you. This is the Law of Attraction.