2007-06-25-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Trusting Father in All Matters
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I thank you for having such beautiful trust in our cause that you would allow me to greet you each week with such informality. I enjoy being your friend and brother. There is a point in our method of communication when you must let go and have trust that I will be here. You each do well to bring such a welcoming energy. You make my task easy and enjoyable.
I am with the realization that the world is extremely competitive and fulfillment seems to be a far off goal that is unattainable. It would seem that mortals are always in the mode of reaching, striving or struggling. It is understandable that progress must be inevitable as evolution moves forward. There is such an ‘awareness’ now to be successful, one must attain this or that. The striving, in itself, is depleting energy to the point of frustration. Peace seems hard to come by. Satisfaction isn’t really satisfying. Our mortal minds seem to be so out there in the world, in the main stream of consciousness. We are in serious need of turning our minds inward--back toward the well of true fulfillment, the well of life everlasting.
As I think back to my time in the flesh there were so many things that were important to me, so many things that were a constant drain of my energy. This was a cause for me to be an emotional wreck. I had to reprioritize my life, think about what was truly important. Where was my energy going? I had to let go of the outer world. It took me several attempts to learn to turn inward, imagine myself face to face with my Father, to sit in His presence, to allow the outside world to dissolve. It was just me and Him. How healing this was for my mind. How energizing this was for my spirit. Father had taught me my true priorities and what to put my energy into. Believe me, the world did not crumble. My life certainly did change, yes. I learned to mingle among the people and find such brotherhood, such love and happiness.
I learned that money is temporary and love is sustaining. It was a matter of me trusting in Father. Believe me; it is difficult to put my trust in someone unseen. Even though I had my dear friend, Machiventa, I still had to practice faith and trust. Trust has always been difficult for me as a mortal because I thought myself to be a self-made man. I figured I climbed to the top on my own and I could only trust in myself. I can’t tell you how many sleepless nights I spent with a suspicious mind--such unrest. Just when I thought I could not stand another moment, I was introduced to my mentor, who had helped to teach this old dog new tricks.
You live in a world where there is constant competition and continuous striving. You will always strive, yes, but for ‘what’ is the question. We have to trust in one who deserves our complete trust. We have to lean on one who is the only one worthy of leaning on. To live a life of unrest is such dissatisfaction and believe me, that makes any kind of in service in the ministry impossible. Father wants for your happiness, peace and fulfillment. Let us remember to turn inward from time to time. The outside world is what it is. You are still you, a child of God with a ministry to fulfill. We need to direct our energies toward a worthy goal. Let us not lose heart by distraction. There is always one you can trust. There is always one you can lean on.
I challenge you to make effort to trust in Father and see what happens. Mary sends her regards and will be with us next week. It is always a pleasure to sit among you and look at your beautiful faces. I am filled with love and joy to know that we are working together and will be for a long time. Go in peace, my friends. Until next time, shalom.