2007-07-19-Zebedee and Cymboyton
Topic: Zebedee and Cymboyton
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: George Barnard
Christ Michael: “I have followed your ruminations about the task ahead in the weeks to come, and I am aware of the fact that I need to ‘lead in slowly’ on this particular exercise. This is your Father/Brother, Michael, the Creator of a local universe, and a close, loving Friend all the same.
“I ask you to visualize one of My favorite helpers during the last years of My mortal existence on your earth--My true friend, David Zebedee. Whilst in your mind you may find a clear comparison and a connection between Zebedee and Cymboyton, they were greatly different individuals that set about only somewhat similar tasks.
“Zebedee, in his way, was a simple man who saw a need, who found the means to achieve his dream, and he never thought much about future spiritual rewards, but only did he labor for his love for the Master, Jesus, and the spiritual welfare and oneness of all.
“He was a good and honest man, and a busy worker, who took on a task that in the end became almost too much for him. It certainly stressed his emotions to the very limit of his endurance, and yet he stayed true, whilst at the same time he could make the tough decisions. To those who appeared too youthful, too scatterbrained, too weak, or too old to journey, he was capable of saying ‘no’.
“In comparison, Cymboyton was a man of great stature, who was rich beyond compare in My earthly days. He was dressed in the finest garments one could obtain, and he was from a very young age what you would call ‘cool and collected,’ and knowing he had a great future ahead of him. Like Zebedee, he was decisive, and yet he had a greater insight into people’s minds.
“Cymboyton was a tough man, who rightfully earned the respect of many, and his hospitality became one of the reasons why the knowledge of the Creator Father’s Gifts of the Thought Adjusters -- when widely, and generally, only the soul was then recognized -- traveled so far afield. Cymboyton had an innate understanding of personalities, and he, indeed, could make the hard decisions for the good of the majority whilst knowing we are all One.
“He could say ‘no’ to those who were unruly. He could say ‘yes’ to those who would promote knowledge of the One Creator Father, and he did look after these student/teachers so very well.
“It was a wonderful time for me to teach with these representatives of the most intelligent and most spiritual of My human brothers and sisters that arrived from all over the known world to learn from each other.
“Consider the ‘samenesses’ between them. Consider the differences between these two great men, who so advanced my human career as a Teacher and Envoy in the service to Our Father. Ponder My thoughts, as I now thank you for your attention, My son and daughter. This is Michael.”
George: “Amen.”
I saw an image of David Zebedee in common garb of that era, busy, ‘in the midst of things,’ bent forward somewhat, possibly over a bench top, then Cymboyton, standing very tall, imposing, and in deep thought, dressed in fine blue silk (he could perhaps have been trading with China). Next I saw two teachers from Tibet on a long trek to Persia, all the way on foot.