2007-08-19-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved one, so near and yet so far! Your Mother in Spirit invites you to bridge the distance you feel that separates us. This separation exists in your mind. You have the opportunity to bridge that gap by spending moments in quiet reflection and asking me to move in you. I will respond to you with your open invitation.
You never need to go through life alone, for even though your fellows may dessert or betray you, my connection to you never is severed. It is only in the thoughts you hold and in your feelings where you sense the separation. Returning to peace and comfort requires a turn within and asking me to hold you close and to give you the nourishment of my love. I will respond!
Beloved child, hesitate no longer. Come to me as your Spirit Mother and know that you are indeed growing in the love you desire, in the peace you seek. You grow in to this a little at a time, depending upon your intention to become all that you can through this process of growing in SPIRIT. How much do you want to live in peace? How much do you want to live in love? Living in this state requires your becoming these qualities in mind and body, and it is my life force that moves these into your being—body and soul.
My little one, the invitation to transform yourself is always open. The path is before you. The only question to ask yourself is: “Am I ready to walk this path and to experience all that will come to me?”