2007-08-27-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Adaptation en Route to Self-mastery
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. You are each so thoughtful to have me back week after week. It doesn’t matter what you experience, you are never crushed and you always come back here to our rock. It does take time to shake off the world and open the door to our Father. When we can renew in spirit, we can help to create possibilities to bring about good.
All of your history has made you who you are today and nothing has stopped you. You may have stumbled, but you haven’t stopped. We are grateful for your endurance, your striving to carry on. Over the years in our Teaching Mission we have each struggled to attain personal growth. There has been a good amount of effort go into personal growth and we have taken it out into our world and tried to assist in this time of correction. You have done well.
I am MARY, again grateful to sit and learn among you. It is somewhat like sitting with my peers of old, but much of the time you are new creatures to me. I have learned a lot in our short time together. I have made adaptation where I can to be able to communicate with you. This experience for me was new and I had some anxiety going into it.
In learning self-mastery we all become skilled at adaptation. It doesn’t mean we conform or simply appease others, but that we are able to be like the Master and serve in any capacity. The Master was always interested in learning new things and meeting new people. He always had Father in the forefront of His mind. The Master taught us that there is always a way to serve without infringing upon ones free will.
If we were to go back in time to my day in the flesh, you would see a lot of people who would seem barbaric to you. Their clothes would look well worn and dirty. They had not moisturizers or hair spray. You on the other hand, to them, they would be frightened. If given a little time however, we would all learn where the boundaries are. While we might bump heads, we would still have respect for one another.
I am reminded of Rebecca, who had a heart that would never stop longing for the love of Joshua Ben Joseph. She did what she could to gain His attention. Of course, the Master knew He was destined for other plans. He was nervous, but He made effort to go to her and be completely honest and tell her that His ministry kept Him from seeking the average mortal life.
At this point He could sympathize with her and love her on the level of friendship, but there were those boundaries. While Rebecca respected His decision, she had it set in her mind for a few years that Jesus would come around and seek her companionship. Rebecca was always active in the ministry and began to know and understand the real person that was Jesus. She found her love for Him on the level of Brother/Father. This was fulfilling in itself and she saw not her years of longing as a waste. Rebecca was a wonderful spokesperson and brought many into the Kingdom.
Had Jesus not set those boundaries right away things may have turned out quite different. It was always beautiful to behold the Master playing catch with a child or teaching His brother how to build boats. He could talk to kings and reach their souls. We, in this Teaching Mission, are adaptable beings when we are about the Father’s business.
This week ponder your own flexibility in your most outstanding circumstances. What are we to have in the forefront of our minds when changes are brought before us? Our lesson is kept short, but our love is not. You are each very dear to me and Abraham. With that we shall take our leave. Until next time, we bid you shalom.