2007-09-23-Held in My Embrace
Topic: Held in My Embrace
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia, Monjoronson
TR: Kathy, Mark Rogers
Mother Spirit (Kathy TR): In times of trial and adversity you will find comfort in the connection with my system of energy circuits. Know that I am always within every part of my creation. The times when you feel lost from your position may be viewed differently from a larger perspective. Know that you are always held in my embrace of loving care. You are my precious children and I am always with you.
unidentified (Jonathan): I come to you. I share your joy. I share your pain and likewise your hopes and your losses. I direct you to the center of your being, to that which is ever calm and peaceful, where love resides. Therein is stability; therein is assurance and guidance and an engulfing comfort. From here you can stand strong against the storms. From here you create the future of Light and Life. Be still and know.
Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings, I am Monjoronson here to be with you, to share with you, to simply be with you in whatever state we may find ourselves in the moment. You have just been graced with the gentle reminders that you are loved and cared for, you are nurtured and protected, and that there is a part of you which is quite stable and calm no matter what conditions might exist outside of you.
If I can paint a picture in your mind's eye, consider yourself in a small vessel out in the open waters. When there are no waves to buffet you about you may be at ease about your vessel and its position and your position relative to the vessel's. You may lean over the edge; you may stand up and walk about; you may enjoy the smell of calm seas that permit you the freedom to explore the perimeters of your vessel with no fear or danger associated with these activities.
Then consider the event in which the storm rises and the seas swell and the wind blows and there are waves now to navigate. You no longer feel as though you are as comfortable with your vessel, and you find yourself retreating to the very center of your vessel so that you may safely ride out the storm. As well, wisdom would dictate to you that you orient your vessel to meet head-on the swells and to take the waves with the best positioning of your craft. This activity of positioning yourself relative to the storm is likened to your practice and discipline of stillness.
The wisdom derived from your discipline at stillness tells you how best to weather the storm, to furl your sails and point your vessel into the wind. The act of finding your safe place in the center of your vessel is, as was just described to you, retreating to your inner sanctum, to your place of peace and stability, the safest place you may find yourself in any storm. Having done these things you are then well equipped to ride out the temporary event that is at hand. And you are then graced with the experience; you are then gaining the wisdom of having mastered the circumstance and having prevailed through the times of challenge. You have had the training. You have been told of the laws of nature regarding these transient episodes. You have been prepared for these events ahead. It is now simply that you follow through with your training, that you rely on your wisdom, and that you always remember the safe posture to maintain as you are buffeted about in life.
You may take a beating; you may get wet; you may be tossed about, but you will hold fast to the rudder and keep your heading and maintain your safe position in the center of all. Doing so you will most certainly make it through as the storm passes and the waters calm again. You cannot be reminded enough that you are lovingly attended to; you are never forsaken in your process, in your journey. Always does the love of your parents surround you, nurture you, provide you with that necessary for your ultimate survival. But as many times as you are reminded of this fact, there is a tendency when living this material manifestation to return to fear, to allow doubt and uncertainty to be brought on board with you.
These are your challenges as great as any storm that arises. But when you begin to doubt your training and second guess your abilities and skills then is when you may be caught broadside and have your vessel in peril. You as sailors in the spiritual realm should now be aware that even such a vessel as you now navigate is only part of your journey, and that even if such a vessel is lost, the journey is not. Recall this when those around you founder and are lost. They are only lost to you, to your sight.
They are never lost to your divine Parents who continue their loving watch care no matter what transpires. The seas will swell; the storm will thunder; many a good sailor will be overtaken. Yet all of this is but the blink of an eye on your eternal journey where you switch vessels many times and navigate many seas and sail through many storms. The vessel may change; the storms will be different, but you are enduring. You will survive. So fear not as you brave your individual journey, for there is nothing that can happen that is not a part of the bigger journey. Truly you have been told and you are growing to know the truth of the statement that all is well in the bigger picture. It may not appear that way at any small snapshot of your journey, but truly it is so that all is part of the gigantic divine plan and therefore all is well. Thank you, my dear ones, for sharing your journeys with us that we may counsel you and share your experience, as you are the ones with your hands on the rudders. You are the ones who will decide which course is taken, and a universe is along for the ride.