2007-10-02-The Land of Your Dreams
Topic: The Land of Your Dreams
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Sunday Rain
I Am: “Tell Me what you are yearning for. Tell Me your hearts deepest desire. Let out your heart so you may begin to feel rejuvenated and re-animated with hope and anticipation! What would you wish for, if you were able to have it your way? A place where we all can at last be together living in peace and harmony? A place where tiresome troubles are no more? Let that thought become an energized reality within your conscious mind, and begin creating joy and happiness across the land of your dreams! You must first feel it within before you can continue onward with any appreciation for that of which you seek.
“Talk to Me like the Friend you’ve always wanted, and know that I Am real. And like a real Friend, I will help guide you to the correct path. There, you feel Me stirring within your Soul! I Am applauding you for trying your best, and I Am encouraging you to never give up. The energy that comes from the All that Is, is copious and overflowing. There is enough to expound upon all within your range, and more! In fact, there is a never ending supply!
“Where are those cheerfull faces, those valiant souls, ready to march into the dark of night to illuminate the universe? It is All within your mighty heart!
“Take rest, and count tomorrow as a brand new day of hope!”