2007-10-03-Unconditional Love
Topic: Unconditional Love
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: George Barnard
Michael: “I greet you My son, this is Michael. Our discussions about Urmia are through, and it is but for you to format those words for them to go out to My people. They are My words and they are your effort, and therefore they are our words, in reality, because, My son, in the Spiritual Realm there is no division between those who are ‘for the good,’ wherefore your words will always be Mine.
“In the stillness of this pleasant environment, I want to speak with you about unconditional love. Unconditional love is from the Father, entirely, and it is passed on by many. All of us who are Paradise Citizen by nature and origin, or by attainment, have had bestowed upon us His Gift of unconditional eternal love to enjoy and share.
“They are you, our mortal offspring, who acquire here through the lives that you live on earth, as in the Mansion Worlds, and beyond these, the eventual ability to love without pre-condition. Unconditional love does not criticise, but evaluates. Love seeks to understand, it seeks to respect, it seeks to befriend and admire, and it seeks to perfect itself in having no condition for being withheld in those of shining personality and balanced ego of time-space origin.
“Unconditonal love seeks only the truth, the beauty and the goodness in everything and everyone. Unconditional love is what all intelligent time-space creatures must attain in order to fuse with their Thought Adjusters, or the Gifts of the Eternal Son, or the Identity Contributions from the Third Source and Centre (Mother Spirit) for these are needed to acquire eternal life.
“This is a world where many relationships end up on rocky shores. This is a world where many are so diverse in nature, they find it difficult to enjoy common ground, compromise, negotiate on any proposal, in many situations. And yet this is a world where those, who try really hard, will benefit enormously over those, who have had the fortune, or misfortune, to have appeared on a regular world.
“Always keep in mind that with so many things that work against you on this globe, you do have the fortunate opportunity to greatly advance over so many others. May your time-space journey and ventures serve you in producing excellent soul growth. I am Michael, your Father-Brother, who loves you unconditionally. Until we speak again.”
George: “Thank you, Michael.”