2007-10-15-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Eternal Education
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I marvel at how I am taken back through the mortal life cycle when I listen to you. Your enthusiasm at being together is an energy I can see. I am grateful to you each because it is your faith that makes my words possible. Your unity is admirable. What a combination for a Teaching Mission group to have to go forward with the cause of Light and Life.
I am MARY. I also am honored to sit among you. As we spend time together I learn more about your nature and I am able to arrange my lessons to fit. I am also amazed at the memories you each bring up within me. I can look at my mortal life without regret because where I am now is where meanings and values reside. I am able to understand the various aspects of mortal life through the eyes of the spirit. As I look at each one of you and your personal lives, I can say that you are each doing all you can to integrate the material and spiritual life. I am saying that you do well.
I know at certain life stages there comes a point where you cannot see anything new for yourselves in the future. It is as if life holds no new lessons. It is common for mortals to say to Father, “I have experienced all there is on this earth, now what?” These times in mortal life are really a blessing because it opens your eyes and ears a bit more to the mode of searching. When mortals give up the search is when life begins to lose meaning. The mind must have exercise. A person cannot think they know everything because learning will stop and stagnation within the mind will set in.
A mind that quits learning or is afraid of learning, will limit their capacity to see, spiritually speaking, of course. To continue learning is the right of every one of Father’s children. We can see that the mind that is busy with fear or not busy at all disconnects brain receptors and causes the brain to die. Your mind is the doorway to the spirit. It is important that you continue to learn and find meanings and values. Even our beloved mentor makes effort to expand his mind to be able to create a balance in everyday living.
I remember back to my days of mundane chores and always wondered when life was really going to begin. A child would run up to me and ask for something to eat or a sister would come and ask me for advice. I had no clue that that was life. It had begun. It was my job to take example from the Master and live the best life I could. That meant taking time to put down my fabric that I had been scrubbing, dry my hands, take the child to the kitchen and prepare something. Was it going out of my way? No. This was my job. To converse with this child indeed put a smile on my face. To hear of the wonder of life and allow myself to see through the eyes of this child was the gift. The joy from such experiences helps to connect those brain receptors.
Issues that make you think, make you dissect problems, look at the variables and then put it back together, is making efforts toward advancement mentally and spiritually. It is our job to live our best life here on Urantia. Be not afraid. For this week let us look into advancing those areas of the mind that lay dormant. Pick up a craft or hobby. Play a game with your children. Read a book. Do something that exercises the brain. A healthy mind is a link to heaven. Be good to yourselves.
That is all. Talk among yourselves to see if you should desire questions next week. We can oblige. Our love is ever growing for you each. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.