2007-10-22-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Stillness in the Storm
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Meeting with you is good for me in the way that a nutritious meal is good for you. I feel uplifted and with renewed hope. I am witness to many events throughout the world and I admit that it sometimes weighs heavy on my mind. My spirits are somewhat dampened from time to time. Seeing you and being with you helps me to see that good things are happening. Mortals really do care.
From time to time the mortal eyes can take in so much chaos or static and the mind and spirit can feel overwhelmed. It seems that one can only see the negative that is developing at an overwhelming rate. God bless the mortal hearts that long to heal and make life better. Sometimes it seems that life is too big and out of your control or like the system is seriously flawed. Years ago Brother Ham spoke about the spirit feeling beaten down and this will happen on occasion.
Fortunately we have Father, who is the ultimate healer and always provides a way for us to rise above the fog into the clear air of understanding. Today in your world the meaning of physician leaves a bad taste in ones mouth. What used to be a profession of caring and ministering to the sick is now more about red tape, money, politics, etc. Father is the ultimate physician, in that He helps you to heal yourself. He is without condition for the most part. He only asks of you for your willingness and trust.
His medicine is like you remember as a small child, not having a pleasant taste, but being with the belief that it will help you to get better. In Father’s practice He can see what you are in need of and He will make arrangements for you to have experience. Sometimes the experience is difficult and unpleasant, just like medicine. It is hard to recognize any good that should come from sudden, strange adversity. On that note, I shall leave you to Mary.
Greetings, friends, I am MARY and thrilled to be a part of your learning experience. I enjoy this topic of Father as the ultimate physician. It would seem that one who cares for you would be filled with compassion and make you lie down and rest, wait on you hand and foot. With Father, as the healer, His compassion consists more of getting your mind into a learning mode through certain experiences.
I am remembering a time when I was caught up in the busyness of the ministry and noticed I was called on quite a bit to solve many problems. I felt important and needed, validated, yes. I allowed this importance to run away with my ego and began to take on an attitude of superiority. I began to shout orders to my sisters, asking them to do the dirty work of the ministry, while I took the high profile jobs. How do you suppose Father applied His medicine in my daily living? Did He want me to go down this ego-driven path, of course not?
I ended up making terrible mistakes. I almost cost a man his life because I had ordered him to take a certain medicine, when he had a totally different illness than what I thought. I was in the mode of self and it almost killed somebody. This mistake was seen by all eyes. I was so embarrassed, so humbled. I was positive I would never be forgiven. I took a few days away from the ministry to be alone with my thoughts and to hide for a time.
In the stillness I had come to understand my mistake of allowing the ego an open door. Of course, I did as many of you do and rerun it over and over in my mind and feel embarrassed and self-punished, but as time went by I began to see that had the mistake not happened, I would have become an ego-driven monster who lived on attention. This mistake was good, but it hurt. Taking time out was the best thing I could have done so that I could find understanding to the total issue.
Father is smart and always aware of our steps along the path, every single detail. His love is beyond expression. His compassion is not having us to lay down and feel our illness and stay sick, no. He gets us busy with our own healing process. These small discoveries in mortal life are the reason that you live. You have come here to learn and sometimes the medicine is not so bitter, but times when you may be on the wrong path Father brings in the big unforgettable experiences.
The next time you are in the middle of unpleasant circumstances, think about the message or medicine that might be there. How is Father trying to reach you? Can you take a few moments to pull yourself away from that issue and listen? There are step by step instructions and all things are possible. So, it looks like for this evening we will take a few questions or comments. Proceed.
SIMON: I am just really grateful for you coming to teach, uplift and guide my spirit to a better place.
MARY: Simon, I really enjoy your personality. You are indeed with tremendous intelligence and a great deal of good will be produced. I see that you are more and more everyday finding your way. It is apparent that you are being less rigid and slowing down a bit so you can make sense of life’s circumstances.
MARIN: Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I feel like I have abandoned my flight plan and concerned I guess because it is a change in course for me, like where am I supposed to go or maybe I am being too rigid. Sometimes I feel like I have let the darkness engulf me or cloud the compass--just any thoughts that you have?
MARY: Certainly. It would seem as though you, my sister, are floating in a boat on the sea of everything. Everything is not reality. Father would have you search your heart for a few small truths that you know to be lasting and from there you can begin to build your framework for a strong spirit. The reality of spirituality is everyday life. It is what is before you. It is not some far off dream. As you build your framework based on your few truths, then will you find some direction, some strength in who you are, some confidence in your decisions. Your heart is genuine and it will open doors for you. Those doors may appear undesirable at first, but given time and effort, you will begin to have more confidence in your decision making. You are not overtaken by any darkness. Have not worry. You are just learning like the rest of us. You do well. Another question?
CALVIN: Abraham, in your words you addressed the chaos in the world and I felt moved quite a bit lately by considerations of the mounting tensions between the Islamic extremists out there concerning the rest of the world basically. There doesn’t appear be a solution there and just accepting Michael or His plan. Do you have any words as to what you perceive to be a solution to that mounting tension that is headed toward huge disaster the way it looks? It is not scaring me. I am sure it is Father’s play out of events.
Certainly, I am ABRAHAM: I am in agreement with you. These extremists are not going to change their minds anytime soon. I dread the thought of the events that must happen to them as a group before anything is going to change. It is sad to calculate the adversity they must experience. Unfortunately, it will take many nations to agree upon a solution towards fending off these extremists. Until there is some unity among nations these individuals will continue to create great destruction. As you said, not to worry, Father has His own plans for the difficulties over there. Sometimes evolution must play out and seems cruel. You, as individuals, can only do so much. It is going to be important for Americans to vote in a president who will continue to protect the nation. Good question Calvin. Anymore questions?
CALVIN: I have just one follow up. It seems to me programs such as the History channel sure seems to play an awareness role.
ABRAHAM: Oh, I understand. Yes, that is what the Correcting Time is all about, bringing issues into the light. If nobody knows about problems, then there can be no progression toward solution. It is good for you as individuals to discuss these issues. The positive thoughts do travel. Patience will be key. Yes to your questions, there are many resources of knowledge and always new knowledge being discovered.
If that is all for this evening, I would like to thank each one of you from Mary and myself. You are a delight to be around. Know that we are always available should you have need. Take time out for yourselves. It is good medicine. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.