2007-11-04-Master This Technique
Topic: Master This Technique
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Divine Father: “Beloved children, begin your day with Me anew. This is your Father Michael, and I long to share each day with you as you go about your daily routine. I know the challenges you face as you attempt to bring a spiritual perspective into your daily life. Remember, I lived a human life as you now live, and who better than Me to help you walk through each day.
“Your earthly lives are not ease-filled; they are rigorous and challenging as you learn from each experience, building upon what you have lived to produce. Yet, there is a quality of majesty and grandeur that you can bring to each situation through an attitude of being grateful for the moment at hand. Instead of being task-oriented; try being moment-focused and feel grateful that you have this one moment. Notice what this does to your outlook. Does it make your task at hand easier to accomplish?
“Master this technique, My children, to be moment-focused. Explore the ways this simplifies your life. This is one of the small techniques I mastered during My earthly life, and I wish to share it with you to improve your life quality. Call Me to help you in these moments, and we will share them together in joy. You will be surprised at the results!”