Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is truly a blessing to be with you this evening. I am always inspired by your honesty and willingness to find lasting solutions to current problems. It is natural for mortals to have fear and desire to use the methods of escape.
You each, as individuals and as a group, demonstrate such strength to have willingness to go through life’s trials and come out the other side with more wisdom. I admire your courage to work through everyday pain. You each are wise in viewing difficulties through the intellect and keeping a tight reign on emotions. Remember it is acceptable to cry, to vent anger, to display a temporary disappointment. It is natural for mortals to have release and then pick yourselves up and move on with the business of living.
I know that in my mortal days there were many moments of denial and escape. I would simply not address certain issues and pretend that everything was in its place. My mind was strained with the belief that I should appear to be as perfect as I can be and to be caught short of that would be a humiliation I could not bear to suffer--all ego driven, of course.
In those days with Sarah we had a great deal of arguments over practically everything. She had a tender heart and loathed to see me have someone put to death for some trivial purpose. I always brushed her aside and truly believed she had no authority to even speak about such issues with me.
Working with Machiventa helped to contain my ego enough that I could begin to view the beauty of honesty and truth. This new idea helped me to better communicate with Sarah. Machiventa taught me that truth should hold no fear and if I was truly dedicated to becoming a man of the spirit, then I should have enough courage to sit with truth. Sarah may have been an emotional creature, but she was indeed a truthful one. When she proposed her ideas it was not to gain self glory but simply to provide resolution to the situation.
My obstinate ways began to melt as I opened my ears to hear and eyes to see the reality of those everyday difficulties. What a blessing to have those loved ones, Sarah and Machiventa, to aid me in my education. My softened view of life awakened my compassion for life, my respect of all of creation.
Father was indeed more than I had ever imagined and as I made myself smaller, I could see into His personality, His truth, beauty and goodness, His interpretation of circumstances around me. Sarah was a wonderful messenger of His word. I am grateful she withstood this stubborn old man and continued to be courageous enough to voice her truth, come what may.
This week let us ponder how denial may play a part in our lives. Is there a fear of reality or truth? Mortal life is many times a messy situation on our path to enlightenment. Let us be thoughtful of dwelling in the messiness. See life for what it truly is and be humble enough to listen and to see what is really going on. That is all for this evening. We are indeed humbled and always honored to spend the evening with you. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.