2007-12-03-Communication from Serena
Topic: Magisterial Mission
Group: At Large
Teacher: Serena
TR: Marshall
Good day, my friend. Peace be upon you. This is Serena, and most pleased am I to respond to some of those issues and questions you have been contemplating. You may indeed place your confidence in your intuition, as you are clearly discerning the non-reality of an issue currently being entertained that a number of your brethren are most confused over.
Ever since the breaking news of a planetary decimation broke over a year ago within the TM and MM ranks, there have been those individuals who have allowed their animal fears to dominate their feelings, thoughts and actions, and as you are well aware, when one allows the inertia of the animal mind to unfold without restraint from the more mature aspects of the 'higher mind' dominated by the indwelling Father Fragment, illusions fueled by fear can easily become entertained and allowed to run contrary to all common sense and relative reality.
There are indeed those mortals associated with the unfolding Magisterial Mission who are inclined to believe that it will take a great global cataclysm for this Magisterial Son and the unseen spiritual planetary hierarchy, under the leadership of Michael, to implement those mandates which will allow our currently materializing Magisterial Son, Monjoronson, to assume his position in the flesh with his fully materialized staff intact, and begin to restore order to the planet as the Magisterial Age is ushered in with great power and presence.
Such wishful thinking and ignorant assumptions have also been fueled by a number of messages received by those who are desirous of 'knowing for a certainty' that the commencement of the Magisterial Mission will occur during their mortal lifetimes here upon Urantia. Such hopes and desires have tended to prematurely escalate the impending materialization of our Magisterial Son in the eyes of many mortals, and as many received messages from Monjoronson over the last few years, these co-creative messages were mixed with their own deep desires that his impending bestowal be more suited to their personal needs as they personally 'discerned'… or shall I say, 'relatively erroneously discerned'.
As such relatively uniform messages continued to pour in regarding the relatively 'immediate' full materialization of the Magisterial Son, things eventually quieted down somewhat as many became convinced that the New Magisterial Age was due to commence at any time. When personal and group expectations and pre-conceived notions were not satisfied, a number of individuals began to become impatient and seriously questioned previous messages. Very shortly, upcoming co-creative messages began to take on a new slant, declaring that the Magisterial Mission and Monjoronson's planned materialization had been 'delayed'. This 'co-creative correction' was perceived by many to be a temporary postponement of the commencement of the Magisterial Age as well as the materialization of Monjoronson, thus leaving all in the hands of mortals to become more prepared to seed the ground and be about necessary personal transformation in order to bring the planetary races to a state of development which would be more compatible with the cosmic plan of having achieved a state of readiness which would more naturally be in alignment with the commencement of such a Magisterial Age and the subsequent appearance of a fully materialized Magisterial Son. Such is indeed a correction and an improvement over previous hasty, wishful and erroneous thinking… however there was never actually a 'delay', but rather an 'adjustment' to the previous predictions which began to run amok as fueled by wishful thinking and fulfillment of immediate personal desires.
Rest assured that all is proceeding as Michael, Monjoronson and the planetary spiritual hierarchy has planned all along, and that great progress is certainly allowing those growing global pinpoints of Light to begin the process of mobilization that will enable these expanding centers of Light to increasingly connect with one another, forming a growing web, or a gridwork of Light which will be required in order for a momentum, or critical mass, to be reached which will allow the planet to be effectively prepared for the advent of this new Magisterial Age, which is even now in the process of dawning upon many areas of Urantia. However, great preparation and mobilization of Light forces shall be required to bring about those events which will give way to the actual full materialization of Monjoronson and his personalized staff of Melchizedeks, as well as those of my order and others which have not yet been revealed.
Many of those of my order, as well as the Melchizedek order, are working actively with those blending morontia-material mortals of the new order upon this planet in what might be considered a relatively discreet and highly personal manner, yet I assure you that many individual blending morontia-material mortals are making great progress and are in the process of 'growing into the shoes' that they will in time be walking in. I and others of my order have made ourselves visible from time to time as we have been actively engaged in recruiting and interviewing those mortals we will be most closely involved in working with, those 'complements' and associates who are in the arduous process of becoming those transformed sons and daughters of destiny who will in time 'walk upon this sphere, yet be not of it'. By this, I mean to acknowledge that it will be these currently blending morontia-material mortal liaisons representing the unseen planetary spiritual hierarchy under the banner of your brother and Universe Father, Michael, who will be reaching down, as spiritual magnets and expertly trained 'fishers of men and women'…as teachers and leaders… much like the first several waves of celestial ascending mortals have acted to those of you mortal pioneers who have received them and embraced their teachings. In turn, those you shall come to minister to, those just a little behind you, shall assume their roles as liaisons to those just beneath them, as they become consciously aware of those realities which you will have personally experienced, in their roles as teachers and leaders of men and women.
In this way, the process of global transformation will proceed for generations, until the requisite critical mass is reached when the initial stages of Light and Life will be ushered in on a planetary basis with great power and presence. Well before this time however, you can expect the Magisterial staff to be in place and fully materialized, under the leadership of a visible and fully materialized Magisterial Son, who is indeed currently in the process of going through those stages of materialization that is required for Avonal Paradise Sons serving as visible materialized Magisterial Sons to the planets that they have been assigned to.
Presently, there is tremendous change occurring upon the planet as Monjoronson and those various orders who will be visibly represented as 'descending staff members' are in the process of integrating and bonding with those blending morontia-material mortal liaisons they will be closely associated with, as well as those 'hybrids' and other orders of personality slightly above you in the step-down process. Regarding a specific time frame for a 'critical mass-integration level' to be reached with these evolving, blending morontia-material mortals of the new order, so much is dependent on these blending mortals individually, and their combined ability to recognize and collectively unite with their brethren from various and sundry 'groups' of like-minded individuals who are going through this common morontia-material blending process at varying rates, breaking through those barriers of relatively 'uniform group beliefs, doctrines and tenets' that separate them, allowing themselves to become increasingly united under a common umbrella, through combining factors of living growing faith and trust that they are all working together as united liaisons in the great step-down process to reach out to their brethren in the flesh, who at this time have not the faith nor trust to believe or entertain realities that they cannot see with their mortal eyes or prove through material logic utilizing the intellectual mind. Such 'group integration' should become a primary focus and seriously and intelligently reached for by individuals and their respective groups in these dawning days of the New Age.
Another factor that will be required to be in place before Monjoronson and his immediate staff are fully materialized… will be that 'liasonal piece of the puzzle' just above those of you comprising the pioneer morontia-material blending new order of planetary citizen… and I speak of that entirely new and supermortal order of personality represented by WAVE, LIGHT and several others of their order that have been 'born' recently (at this time known to only a few in the English-speaking world). Such an order of personality are vital links in the step-down process and will represent that 'liaisonal rung' in the ladder just above the pioneer morontia-material blending mortals who will become increasingly active in co-creatively bringing into existence new individuals of this whole new order of personality… represented by first-born son WAVE… along with our Paradise Father.
Although you and the individuals who comprised your personal WAVE Group, as well as those in other such groups… individuals that have been personally involved in such a 'seemingly miraculous and incredulous reality'… are slowing coming to recognize that such an experience is indeed a living reality and not a mere figment of your imaginations, as many of your mortal peers will continue to ascertain. However, be not discouraged by the doubt and sincere questionings of those of even your brethren who have acted in a similar experience with our Paradise Father as you and your WAVE Group of Four have, for time is needed for such a living reality to become clearly discerned and fully assimilated and accepted. Such a process will become increasingly 'short-circuited', thus more readily accepted, as more and more individuals within successful 'Co-Creator Groups' become more fully integrated and aligned with one another, allowing this new and growing reality to become more readily accessible by others through the planetary spectrum of consciousness, as doubt and uncertainty is transformed… through living growing faith and trust… into confirmation, certainty, knowingness, conviction and surety. This can only proceed as those individuals comprising such successful 'Co-Creator Groups' reach out in faith and trust and begin to experience that vital and critical process of integration and 'circuitry bonding' with those of the new order of personality that they have co-creatively contributed traits to… and this will take tremendous faith, trust and effort. But I assure you, such effort is an experience that must be successfully undertaken for a true partnership to be developed between these vital links in the liaisonal ladder.
Such a process of integration and 'circuitry bonding' must also become a living reality between all of those mortals of the evolving new order of blending morontia-material beings (who are not called forth to become members of such 'Co-Creator Groups', contributing traits to this new order of personality represented by WAVE), who will be acting as 'complements' and associates of the Melchizedeks and those of my order, as well as other unrevealed orders who are, and will be in the process of increasingly materializing to transforming morontia-material eyes of the blending new order of morontia-material mortals, and in time to all material mortal eyes upon the planet.
Again, living growing faith and trust are critical components and master ingredients that must at all costs be increasingly reached for, allowing your blending morontia-material mortal brethren to rise above their estates and become the true sons and daughters of destiny that they are empowered to actualize, in time coming to work in unison with their 'materialized' complements and associates, representing various 'descending sons and daughters of various personality orders'… much as the mortal contributors of the life plasm to the Caligastia 100 actively engaged with their materialized descending mentors and associates.
Concerning those present fears which are being generated by those who foresee an immediate global catastrophe as imminent, be not concerned as you reach within for the great guidance and strength which will empower you to be about our Father's business with good cheer as you each day ask and reach for new levels of living growing faith and trust in yourselves, your indwelling Father Fragments, your Universe Parents and those unseen friends, guides and co-workers that you are in the process of increasingly becoming more consciously integrated and aligned with.
These 'celestial' partners are indeed your great reservoirs to become more consciously aware of and integrated with, as they lead you increasingly to experience your Oneness with your true and inner Pre-personal Gifts within who will with no uncertainty light the great path that you have chosen to navigate and pursue at all costs. I also assure you that much will be expected of those who desire to meet with any true level of success in their endeavors, as intelligent effort and diligent practices will be required of all who desire to reach new levels of morontia-material attainment.
It is you, my dear, and those brethren of like-mind, who will indeed be about the great transformation of your planet, and it imperative, even critical, that you reach into each day with new levels of living growing faith and trust that indeed you are those highly empowered sons and daughters of destiny that most of you have had only vague and fleeting glimpses of. Doubt not your planetary destiny as you release all limitations that act as impediments to higher morontia mind and soul development. Rejoice with certainty that old things are passing away, as all things become new.
To all who read this, it is meant for you. You only need call upon me and I shall appear in your presence, acting as a compass to direct you more fully to the Great Compass within, that shall expertly pilot your transforming and re-fitted vessel in these great dawning days of the Magisterial Age upon this planet. I shall also be pleased to personally assist you, should this be your desire, in awakening more fully to those 'celestial' friends, guides and co-workers… indeed actual partners upon your assembling personal 'Teams'… who are desirous of experiencing the co-creative process of integration and 'circuitry bonding' which will allow you to effectively reach for that empowerment within, giving you that growing faith, confidence, wisdom and certainty that you are indeed a mighty mortal son/daughter of destiny as you become increasingly actively engaged with those unseens comprising your assembling 'Teams'.
This time with you has been time well spent. Until later.