Topic: Spirit of Truth Dispelling Darkness
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Michael
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am inspired by your conversation this evening because it brings our thoughts to new levels of meanings and values. The discussion this evening was productive and positive steps in spiritual advancement are highlighted. Many times we move through our lives without acknowledgement of positive events. To see your advancement increasing gives you hope to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
Many issues in mortal living are always tugging at your faith and creating barriers between you and the spiritual life. To be so material magnetized builds barriers in front of the spiritual eyes. The mind and body can literally feel this disconnection and for many that is the cause of depression and illness. When we are close to the Master, it removes those barriers between the brain connections and the circuits. Think about it, you can feel the spirit with your body, you can feel energy sensations and this is indeed fuel for living.
This time of year tradition shows the birth of a Son who will be the Savior of the world. It is really a celebration and a rebirth in mind for many. Said Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He is why we have our Mission founded in His existence. He was literally one of us and to connect with Him is to reconnect in spirit and reprioritize daily living. The stress in life decreases and the love for your fellow man increases.
This is a crucial time in mass awareness. There is a tremendous disconnection from the spirit. There is a war within the minds of men. Everyone will stand for something. That something could be positive or negative. When we look back over our mortal lives, we are joy-filled by the memories of loved ones and events with our families and friends. Material items do not create those lessons that move us onto the morontia life.
With evolving technology and the race to be the best, don’t be caught up in the mechanics and dehumanization. It is amazing how communications have improved and we can see the world as one large family. Let us remember that each person has a face, a name and a soul. Fellowship is of high importance, at this time, it is our rock. It is our foundation in which we can refresh our connection to the spirit.
I am your Brother/Father, Spirit helper, MICHEAL. I wanted to speak with you to refresh your memory of me and our plan and purpose. I cannot find the words to describe my feelings for each one of you. Your faces are imprinted in my memory and I so love each one of you. I am so grateful the universal circuits are in motion and creating such activity, such change.
The prophets of old have predicted my Second Coming upon the earth. I wish they knew I have been here all along, involved in everything that needs to be cleansed with truth. I am bringing all things that are dark into the light. My children will have to deal with these issues because it is in step with training for the spiritual career ahead. You committed ones have touched my heart. I see you working. I see you helping. I hear you talking to me. I help you talk to your fellows. Good is coming.
In these years that we have been working in the Teaching Mission, you have a much more peaceful countenance. You have calmed down enough to see the Teaching Mission for what it really is. It is personal help to an enlightened age. I will be there. I will bring out those dark areas for my children to contemplate and make decisions. The Spirit of Truth has spread over the land and has caused a wave of disruption that has unsettled the stagnant thoughts of the masses. I am the Spirit of Truth. Think of me and you will see I am as close as you need me to be. I am with ever abiding love for you each. Carry on.
Thank you Michael, I am ABRAHAM. I believe we are up for Michael’s challenge. We can handle those dark areas that need to be dissected and eventually acted upon. Our Teaching Mission is so personal and yet it involves everyone. For this week think of Michael for your reconnection in everything you do. Allow not the materialism and darkness build barriers between you and the spirit. You know that our love is ever growing for you each. That is all for this evening. Until next time, shalom.