2007-12-27-Part and Whole
Topic: Part and Whole
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Mark: I'm going to read you a prayer written by Simone of the MSN list that struck me particularly, perhaps it will strike you in some part of yourself. I invite you to notice the sensation that you might have to this because apparently it is a carrier for certain energies.
Prayer: In the sense of anticipation please join me in welcoming Lord Monjoronson and his many associates into our realm. We pray that he be blessed in his unfolding presence and purpose here on Urantia; that he and his associates may find us open to their energy and available for their guidance and instruction. May Father/Mother Source grant us insight and understanding in these coming events and lift us with courage to step into our potential as spirit teachers and healers for these challenging times. Monjoronson we welcome you, we thank you for taking the time to align with us, to communicate with us, to grace us with your insights and wisdom. We ask to be included in your tasks as students and we are grateful for this privilege. Thank you also for your ministering service to our world, for your gracious interception, merciful adjudication, wise guidance and benevolent blessing in humanity's welfare and evolution. Our prayer to Father/Mother Source: Thank you for the blessing of this Avonal Son who brings a necessary ending, a fruitful evaluation and a divine rebirth for our precious little world. In all things we thank you, in all things we praise you, in all things thy will be done, amen. [Thank you Simone.]
Monjoronson: Greetings, I am the one of whom you speak and I do respond to your petition, to your desire to be approached. It is my desire and great pleasure to approach you in this fashion, to have actual audio communication from across the vast spaces and focused into the electronic device used to disperse this signal out again to be taken up by all of you where you are. In this process we have been plugged in to each other. We are now connected and this connection brings with it many beneficial characteristics. We may enjoy the collective consciousness that is formed among us and as well we may enjoy the many facets as the drops of the ocean. Even if you are but the little drops of the ocean you can feel connected to the whole, you can feel the peace that can flow to you through this connection, the love that can flow to you through this connection.
You know that you are a part of a gigantic whole and as such you belong, you are needed to complete the whole. I understand this to be a somewhat strange process at this time but if you bear with the intentions of this undertaking, like any other practice it will become smoother and more polished as the act of practice will bring to any purpose. I have been recently repeatedly sounding the call to join me in my mandate to lift this planet up. I will take any and every volunteer who will offer their devotion to the process as there is so very much work to be done just before us. But I am assured because I know of my connection to the First Source and Center that I may be yet a fragment of this whole but I am a part of something great.
Likewise are you merely a fragment of the whole but as such you have the resources of the whole behind you and so I have the resources of the First Source and Center, of Michael's ministry accompanying me in this ministry. I entertain no doubts of complete success because I am assured as you have heard, what The Father wills and the son desires, becomes. It is my distinct privilege as it is yours to serve under such divine ministry, to wield some of the resources directed at such an outpouring of love and grace. I am greatly looking forward to the opportunity to manifest such grace and I hope you will join me in looking forward to your individual opportunities to manifest such grace.
You are as I am part of the whole. Just as I have access to grand resources, so do you. Let us join together to wield them for the manifestation of The Father's plan. Each one of you are becoming focal points of light, points through which the light may be poured out to all of mankind and your efforts now at becoming clear prisms, at polishing your surfaces and insuring your most perfect surfaces are utilized for this focusing of the light. And so it is that you join even at times such as this to polish your reflective surfaces, to shine your lights out through these prisms of your understanding, prisms of your awareness and they are indeed becoming finely cut and polished, able to reflect the light broadly about.
As the prism, it is important to remember, you are but the lens, the light is furnished from on high. It becomes your privilege to simply focus the light through your prism and allow the refraction to happen. I sense there are contributions to be made this evening. Would there be anybody willing to join this conversation?
Q: Hello Monjoronson [hello]. I have a question with regards to your magisterial mission. Could you speak to the topic where mortal beings will be asked to volunteer and give extended lifetime [regarding] the magisterial mission during the correcting time.
Monjoronson: Are you volunteering my friend? [Well of course.] We will have many new opportunities before us that are as yet unknown on this world and I jest with you because you have shown yourself eager to apply yourself in whatever direction may be asked of you. This is an admirable trait that we all should strive to develop. Be ready to be called into service in any capacity at any time and even be willing to entertain ideas which may be currently outside your realm of awareness and understanding but yet may be very real. Simply adopting the attitude of open-mindedness will serve you well when you are called to service but may not recognize the circumstances or situation as something you identify in your own dimension of understanding.
Trust that you will all be approached in your own hearts in a very intimate and personal mode, not one of public announcement or confession but only of the most intimate and personal sense will you be asked to give such commitments or extend such offers of service. There is one aboard your vessel who knows all about your personal desires, skills, abilities, awareness and can facilitate the appropriate assignment to be perfect for your stage of development. Would there be any other questions?
Q: Yes, Monjoronson [yes] when we're in our prayers bringing the energy in, is it okay to be focused and bring in aspects like the earth and things into our heart, into this energy or is it like a prism, just to allow it to go where it's supposed to go?
Monjoronson: Both components that you mentioned are entirely appropriate for different purposes. The more broad bringing in of the energy and expelling of the energy to be used where it is most needed is useful when you are unfocused as to where the energy is best sent or where the need is the greatest or what any given circumstance may exactly be. In that case as with the suffering in war, the plight of refugees, you extend your prayers as a net over all to cover and comfort and allow that the ministering spirits who are well aware of the need may use this energy as it is best suited. That is one valid approach. Also, if you have a specific purpose, incident or episode or healing or prayer for greater awareness, then it also is part of your composition to take your prism and shine it directly on where you would have it go. This is part of your cocreator prerogative.
You have the ability to point this energy at a specific location, individual or circumstance and in so doing you add your purpose, your intention to this process and you take this energy, this light that is coming into your prism and you direct the focus, direct the aim of this light and you do this with your intention because it is your desire and therefore you have acted with divinity. In conjunction with divine energy have you through your very intention acted to focus and direct this energy. This is an exceedingly powerful force and one I encourage you all to consider. You are calling in the greater forces when you are in prayer. You are aligning yourselves to great universal energies and you may choose to simply be at one with the great energy and let it seek its own level wherever it is needed or you may choose because you are aware of a specific need or a particular purpose. You may choose to create a channel whereby you will direct this energy through your channel, through your prism to this source.
This is the power that you hold as the prism, as the director of this light. If there would be no further contributions this evening then please join me in a prayer.
Michael, Father, First Source and Center please join us as we align ourselves with you with our intention, with our will. We are about to enter a new year and with this time of year comes the great anticipation of the next chapter, the next unfolding. May we infuse this anticipation, this wave of anticipation with goodness and light. May we do this with your help, may we be the conduits of your love, the channels of your peace into this new chapter of our being. We find ourselves perched here at the beginning of a new age, please be with us as we turn these pages and create the stories that are written. Help us to assume the authority that you would grant us in this process and help us to be the instruments of your peace in the manifestation of this, your desire. We are sincere and dedicated, even devoted in our desire to work with you in this process and we will look forward in confidence to your assistance as we go about taking the mortal steps. We understand we have the resources of the whole behind us even though we are but the part. Thank you.