2008-01-13-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloved child, your Father Michael greets you! Striving for attainment is your nature state of being. You have a natural program living inside each cell that compels you into action. You were designed to live dynamic, interesting, explorative lives that bring out the best in your nature…to take your raw humanness and craft it into a work of art.
Allow yourself to be the clay to my hands. I am the master potter who can help mold you into the beautiful vessel of Spirit that is your higher divine nature. Rest yourself in my hands and I will shape you according to the plans you contain in your being. I know your nature and your being thoroughly. I know where the rough stubs are on your vessel; I know where the smooth and lovely places are.
The challenges of self-perfection were not meant for you to handle on your own. Your Mother and I created you and therefore we can help you build a strong, noble, and gracious character, grafting those seeds of your divine nature into your raw human self and helping them to grow and blossom.
Trust your being to my artistry and we will make you more beautiful than you can imagine!