2008-01-20-Group Anniversary

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Topic: Group Anniversary

Group: SE Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Daniel, Iruka, Aaron, Klarixiska, Minearsia, Abraham, Tomas

TR: Unknown



Student #1: I think this is KLARIXISKA.

Father, we do thank You that Your presence in our lives can certainly take away the tension and the pain. We would pray that You would help us as we try to minister to our students, that they might be aware of whom to ask for help. The peace that passes understanding is difficult for them, for us, to hang onto for any length of time. Give us all the courage to continue to reach out and become a potential of Your promise. Amen.


UNKNOWN: Greetings! I have managed to engage this TR’s attention; my energy is unfamiliar to her. I am a high order of being visiting your world, and I am delighted to be allowed this opportunity to address you on this anniversary occasion. While it is understood that you are off in time by a week, we still wish to acknowledge you tonight. [Our anniversary date is actually on the 13th.] May I be the first to say, “Happy Anniversary!” Congratulations on your stalwart performance and dedication to this experience these many years. Your continuing involvement is testament to the value you find in this experience despite times of doubt and uncertainty for some of you.

I wish to briefly describe my circumstance. I have not been present on Urantia very long. I am fairly newly arrived, but expect to remain for a time span that would be considered long by your standards. I am here because of great changes that I am to be part of. This is all I will say about myself and my current assignment at this time.

Student #2: Can we pry a little bit more information out of you as to your origin? (Pause) If not, that’s fine.

UNKNOWN: It is not my reluctance; it is the reluctance of the TR. I must respect her level of comfort. (I thank you and I thank the TR.)

Student #3: I think I have an easy question. (Please proceed.) Are you an evolutionary being, or were you created perfectly? (I am a perfect being.) Thank you.

When you arrived I just felt so incredibly… so much love. Did that have anything to do with you or just with the whole group here that gives us love continuously?

UNKNOWN: My aura is unique and yet you have felt the great love of Michael and Nebadonia. My energy might be experienced similarly. (Thank you.) You are most welcome, all of you, and what a gracious reception you have given me. I thank you for your time. This TR has desired that I convey her regret. I say to her, and to you, there is plenty of opportunity for us to get to know one another better. I am not going anywhere.

And now my dear, new friends, I will step aside. It has been a great joy to experience you and allow you to experience me in this manner. (Thank you.)

Friends, I am DANIEL. I am delighted to be here once again this evening to acknowledge the work that you have accomplished over these sixteen years. While sixteen years may seem somewhat sizeable from a human perspective, as you continue to evolve you will come to experience it as the passing of a week or two.

I say this to discuss two sides of the same coin. On the one side you have learned a lot, you have grown a lot, you have flexed your spiritual muscles, you have explored new areas. You have, most importantly, built a foundation with the First Source and Center. You have come to understand how fundamental stillness is to your well-being and the transmutation of this planet. On the other hand sixteen years is brief, and if you feel that you are just beginning, this is good too. For it is both. Of utmost importance is the fact of your continuing to seek—[evidenced by] your willingness to participate in this forum.

There are others here who desire a brief audience. I would request that all of you who are capable of TR receptivity and who are willing to serve one another in this manner open your ears. Someone will be knocking. I love you dear friends! Congratulations. (Back at you Daniel)

Greetings my friends, I am IRUKA, it has been a delightful journey. We began sixteen years ago, and then I got to move away, and then I got to come back. For me the experience was delightful and indeed a learning situation. It was an adventure to go away and make new friends and then return. You can, indeed, go home. And the experiences that I had and learned from, I bring back to you. We are indeed one big family on our side and on your side and together we are changing and growing, and I find delight in this. I invite you to find the joy and delight in this growth, in the changes you have made. And now another wishes to speak. Goodbye my friends. (Goodbye.)

Hello, I am AARON, coming through a new person, but I too wanted to express my joy and my appreciation at your willingness to work, to learn, to become, and use these things for your growth, for there has been much growth. Look back and see how you have changed. Do you trust more? Do you trust yourself more, your Creator more, your teachers more? Do you love easier, faster? Do you love yourself more, your Creator more, your teachers more, and each other more? I think yes, and if you disagree, think about who you were sixteen years ago, and who you are today, and I hope that you can see your growth, because all of us on this side can certainly see your progress, and we delight in it. Goodbye my friends. (Goodbye Aaron.)

This is KLARIXISKA, and though I have already spoken, I would add my congratulatory remarks, not only to my charge but to each one of you. So often when you hear positive statements you can see the negative side of the ledger. I would remind you that change, many times, may not appear as a positive as you go through the balancing act of being open and honest and yet acceptable in your culture. Know that your Trinity: your Indwelling Spirit, your Spirit of Truth, and Mother, the Holy Spirit, is completely aware of the change, of the changes, and of the changes that will be. Continue to open your heart and your mind to the opportunities you have in relationships as you continue as a member of the family of God. I am so happy to be a part of this small group that has one thought, to somehow find the will of the First Source and Center in your lives. Continue. Thank you. (Thank you.)

Greetings to you, I am MINEARSIA, no I am not here to close the meeting as this TR supposed. I simply desire a turn at the microphone. As Melchizedek in residence here at this Southeast Idaho Teaching Mission base, I am here tonight to add my words of respect, encouragement, and congratulations. It has been a high point in my lengthy career of adventures to associate with you. I delight in your beings. I empathize with your struggles, not in the way that a being such as your teachers who have lived the human experience empathizes, but as one child of God relating to another. I can transfer the type of challenge that I experience, handicap it enormously, and have empathy….. and enormous respect. Your handicaps are great indeed, and yet your courage, your faith, your desire to be of service, your desire to achieve your potential, your desire to know the will of God in your lives marks you as great! Well done, my friends!

This is all for now. I look forward to meeting with you in the future and discussing family in greater depth. So, please stay tuned. And I now take my leave. Farewell. (Farewell and thank you.)

Greetings, I am ABRAHAM. It is my great pleasure and privilege to be among you once again, to speak with you personally, to convey my love. I too am an admirer. Unlike Minearsia, I have personal experience on this planet. I know the challenges you face. I recognize the greatness of your successes.

I will not stay long, but it has been awhile since I have spoken to this group in this manner, and I consider you to be a part of my extended classroom. I wish for you to be assured that I continue to follow your individual careers closely, that I am present with each of you on occasion, whether you are aware of me or not, and I am involved in your individual as well as the classroom curriculum.

To you, name removed, my friend, I wish to extend a warm hug and a kiss on both cheeks. You do well my dear. Give yourself more credit than you have been. Listen to me; I know of what I speak. And, you, my friend, are my main purpose, main reason, for joining in this celebration tonight. My presence here is intended to communicate to you that you are not alone, you are not forgotten, you are very loved. (Name removed: I love you dearly Abraham.) Yes my dear, and I you.

Now, having said that to name removed does not in any way diminish my regard for each of you. I am truly an admirer of each of you. You all do much better than you give yourself credit for. And now there is, yet, another who will have the last word, please stand by. Shalom. (Shalom.)

Friends, it is I TOMAS, who has been given the delightful privilege of pulling up your sheets and blankets and tucking you in. As Iruka stated earlier “what an experience, what an adventure it has been!” And it is with this group that I first experienced the delight, the joy, of being teacher to more than one, and I still consider you to be my students. What thrilling and exciting days to team-teach with Daniel! What a great learning experience! What a thrill to be part of your team! My adventures have taken me far and wide, but never have I discontinued my interest in you. I hear regular updates and reports. I cheer for your successes, for your growth. I send prayer and encouragement when you are in times of struggle with full faith, full knowledge, that you will come through these times with greater abilities “to love and to learn” than you had before.

And so tonight, I congratulate you! I share my enthusiasm for the grand adventure that we are all part of! And I look forward to our continued corroboration as we make history.


And so my friends, I bring this anniversary session to a close reminding you to spend time, lots of it, each day, throughout the day, throughout the hour, with the First Source and Center, with our Father/Brother Michael, and with Nebadonia, allowing yourselves to be guided and transformed into your potential as you burst forth into this new year. Go with excitement! My love to you all! Good evening. (Good evening.)