2008-01-20-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beautiful child, your Mother of Spirit is here. Long have my children of this world sought the gentleness of their Mother’s touch. I am here. I am alive inside of you. My presence is subtle but powerful. The vibrations of my love echo in your heart. As you focus on feeling your heart beating in your chest, allow yourself to feel its pulsations. Know that it is my presence in you that keeps this vital organ moving rhythmically with my breath of life.
Your time on this world is so short in comparison to the long adventure of universe exploration and discovery awaiting you, yet in becoming aware of my presence on the earth plane, you embark on the long faith-led journey to your divine destination with greater awareness and trust. It is my desire that you feel this connection to me to help you make those decisions that foster your happiness, fulfillment and creativity. Sit with me now, child, and feel your Mother’s loving touch through the beating of your heart.
Even though my presence may feel slight or even as yet undetectable to you, I am there. Spending time each day focusing on your heart beating will help the spiritual energy I pour into you become stronger. It builds you in what you need to live a meaningful and purposeful life. It is my desire that you become a fully open and aware vessel of my love. Sit with me now, my beloved, and feel how I cherish and move in you.