2008-01-23-Soul Maturation
Topic: Soul Maturation
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. As promised you, we will have discourse about soul growth. Firstly, let me explain that when the system-wide rebellion affected so many planets, my home planet, Panoptia, was in a much better position than was yours to ‘weather the storm,’ so to speak.
“There was a civilian government that functioned well -- a planet-wide government -- and until that time of betrayal, there was an overarching Celestial Government that, likewise, had done a tremendous job in assisting the mortal inhabitants to become spiritized. The (Lucifer) rebellion stopped all this, but in a sense, it did a great favor to the mortals, who united even more strongly.
“My life was much different to that of your average citizen. We were well educated in the sense that we had an acute awareness of that Guiding Light within us, that Pilot Light; that Fragment of the Creator Father; the Thought Adjuster allocated, One to each of us, and addressed as He or She depending on the mortal’s gender. Compared to my world, it is here that most believe they merely have a soul. This is regularly referred to in many of your many sayings like; ‘someone who has soul,’ or something that ‘fires the soul.’
“In every way the spiritual aspect is here much less understood. It is vague, at best, in the sense that it is seen as, perhaps, an essence, or a power, but not clearly understood as an Adjuster of Thoughts that indwells the mortal as a most vital Component that carries the promise of eternal life as the main Generator of growth of the individual’s soul. I prefer the term ‘maturation’ of the individual’s soul.
“So scant is your awareness of the Father’s Great Gift within you!
“You will concern yourself about advancing spiritually, or regressing spiritually, as if that responsibility was left to you, and to you alone. My suggestion is that there would be no great spiritual forward strides if you were to rob a bank, for instance, if you were to seriously misbehave, if you were to create severe difficulties for others around you. However, in the hardships that may come your way, in the great obstacles you may encounter, there would normally be no regression, no serious ‘hold-back’ in your spiritual development.
“This tendency for you to believe that, in soul maturation, you are quite alone is based on fear and incorrect, for no matter the difficulties you need to overcome, both your struggling mind, but foremost your Thought Adjuster, are working on your spiritual growth; your soul maturation. Again, it is incorrect to view your present difficulties, your present hardships, and equate that with the lack of soul maturation.
“Not at any time can you determine to what degree you are progressing or regressing. This will always be unknown to you, and can only become clear in retrospect. Do always give credit to the Fragment of the Father Creator that dwells within you for working together with you on spiritual progress.
“This is Samuel of Panoptia, and I do believe that at this point I have kept to my word that you and I, my dear student, have answered a question that is so often asked, and have now brought this communication to a satisfactory conclusion. I thank you both for your time, your concentration, your efforts. Au revoir.”
George: “Thank you, Teach.”