Topic: Interconnected
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “Let us continue our intimacy together, which you have so desired from the first moment you started writing letters to God. It is in these moments of solitude that peace is beginning to saturate all the cells in your body-mind, so a greater equilibrium takes place which ever so gently suffuses you with more patience towards yourself and significant others in your immediate surroundings.
This is the peace beyond understanding. As you well know even in the best of times, you are not always peaceful especially when confronted with upheavals in the world which can sorely afflict you, because of unrighteousness running rampant on the planet. You are somewhat reluctant to type these words you hear, but child, there is a reason for this, because you need to become unflappable even in the face of the rankest injustice.
There are many things happening in the world at large, which have not by any stretch of the imagination arrived at a stable balance due to the after-effects of the outworking of the Lucifer rebellion, and even though the perpetrators are no more, having received their just reward, there remain the consequences of those actions set in motion so very long ago. This will take some time to be corrected, so peace can become a habit and not something to be sought after.
Peace needs to become a way of life before the planet's equilibrium is restored and completed. The purpose of evolution, which is creation in time and space, is to move everything towards Light and Life. Not only are you born to eventually become perfect, but also all the planets in space, albeit belonging to a different category in the Creator's mind, shall also move towards perfection.
This massive undertaking is the adventure of the ages. Evolutionary creation could be seen as God's playground. He so very lovingly and patiently creates everything from nothingness but imbues everything with potential possibilities, in which each particle shares a minute part in order to become one magnificent whole. You can see how everything is interconnected and how one peaceful person can affect the fabric of life, not only within the self but also benefit all others.”