2008-02-03-Circuits and Systems
Topic: Circuits and Systems
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Michael, Elyon
TR: Mark Rogers, Mary Rogers, Jonathan
Monjoronson (Mark TR): [Greetings] ...my energy signature to have deduced that for yourselves. I would share some observations with you from my perspective. First I would share with you that, had you thought in advance to turn on a recording device and capture this joyful and spiritual exchange that I have just witnessed and then had the opportunity to see it freshly expressed in ink and paper as a transcript, I believe it would be a worthy and valid contribution to the pile of transcripts that you so reverently generate each week with regard to what ones of my stature have to offer to you.
You have indeed embraced spiritual principles; and you are indeed manifesting these spiritual principles. And if you would only see yourselves as trustworthy as we see you, you would appreciate that you are in command of these great truths and that you do possess authority over that which is within your realms of awareness. Whereas you look to your unseen associates to grant authority, others will be looking to you and grant you with authority of one who knows, of one who has a greater awareness, and this is a simple matter of fact. You mentioned several points worthy of bringing to the fore, and I will attempt to weave just a few together. You mentioned the formation of a variety of circuitries, systems, loops of energy, if you will, and the more of these systems that you are connected to and incircuited with, the more you are plugged into all the different frequencies available. You are growing good at forming these circuits at will and infusing them with life, supporting them with your intention, and then wielding the energies at will.
This is part of your learning to build system upon system much as your structure goes upon your foundation and eventually it rises. You also mentioned in your discussion that simply the living of the principles, manifesting the gospel, being the truths that you know, and this is yet again another example of a system or a circuit that you would uphold and support. When enough sign on to this system, it will become pervasive throughout. You mentioned the hundredth monkey syndrome and your faith that when enough sign on there will be a flip, and you are correct in your assessment that this is so. I would simply point out that if you are the twentieth monkey it may appear to you that it takes a long time to reach this critical mass. If you are the sixtieth monkey it won't take as long, and if you are the ninety- ninth monkey it will seem as though it was instantaneous. But all along there has been this continuum, this buildup, to this point of critical mass, as you indicate.
You also mentioned that there is both uncertainty and certainty that provide you the contrast to make these choices in your lives. You are growing in awareness that both of these aspects have useful components to your growth and evolution. You may choose to utilize your conviction that you are watched over by your divine parents and that your survival is assured and your journey will be a success. You may utilize this conviction that you possess to transform all of your earthly experiences; for, if you know that you will ultimately succeed, that you will ultimately survive, that there is really no potential to not survive, not succeed; if you are earnest and sincere in your efforts, then each individual episode in life becomes transformed by this simple awareness that this is so. You then can bring a peace to the journey that can only be brought with the certainty or the conviction, the awareness, that this is so. So many wonderful, useful, tools and analogies are brought into the arena today that it is almost as if no lesson needed to be delivered by an unseen personality.
So rich was the content of your sharing that you are currently unable with any true perspective to see your advanced stages of spiritual awareness objectively. But I can. I do. And I bring you this assurance that this is so so that you can know that you are certainly one of the monkeys in position, being steadfast and sincere in your position. With trust and faith you await with certainty what the Father's plan will unfold for you. I honor you and respect you for being the Van of your time, ones who will stand fast to that which you know to be certain to you. Well done. I now will withdraw to allow this platform for the use by others. Thank you. Farewell.
Mary: I invite you to straighten your spines, take a couple of deep breaths to assist in opening a channel. Be mindful of your beautiful connection within this group. I feel that I can speak for Michael and that he would like to have a word with us.
Michael (Mary): Gather round, my children, I am your father but I am also your brother, and I speak to you now as my brothers and sisters. I speak to not only you, my mortal children of Urantia, but all of my brothers and sisters of light from all quadrants of the universe who are present in effort to manifest light. My friends, our purpose the grand and noble purpose, the achievement of that purpose is achieved in a very simple manner. As we bring forth into our lives, into our actions, into our choices, the principles of love and light, as we live the gospel, it is the sincerity of our kindness will touch others. The true love in our hearts speaks volumes.
Our words may be but simple words, but the truth and love behind them gives them the eloquence that reaches the very soul of another person. I tell you that you have very powerful gifts, and I thank you for bringing these gifts into your lives through your choices. The power of our message of love can move mountains as the breath of wind can move the heaviest of vehicles across parking lots at Lowe's! The power of love is astounding, and you will experience it the more you take it to action in sincerity and trust. I encourage you to be about the Father's business. You are beautiful children of the universe. I love you so much. Carry on in my name, and you shall turn the tide .... Thank you.
Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings, this is Elyon. It is with great joy that I assemble with Michael and Monjoronson today and be with you as well, my associates in the upliftment of Urantia. You have spoken and discussed such human situations as uncertainty and certainty, security and insecurity, and I will bring into the discussion another word: confidence. It may be perceived as like certainty, but today I wish to stress the aspect of confidence as loyalty. Imagine yourself in a small boat; uncertainty and certainty are like two paddles. If you only paddle on the left with, say, uncertainty, you veer constantly to one side. Likewise from the other side of your craft. In the course of time and the gathering of experience this occurrence is something you will become quite confident in its transpiration.
In your maturity you learn to work both sides of the craft to move yourself in the direction of your choosing and your search. Thereby you are less paralyzed by the fear of progress when you encounter uncertainty, for you can counterbalance that with certainties that are attained. In the realm of spiritual advancement truth is one of your boats wherein you place your confidence. Sometimes you are blessed with the experiences of rightness, but at other times you are also faced with error.
But both will assist you in your advancement when you balance these encounters in the light of the overarching eternal truth. We have offered to you in years past the imagery of a compass, and you can with confidence know that the needle ever points north, even if you spin the compass around and make it read south. This would be like error against good, or uncertainty confusing certitude. But in confidence, in the light of truth, it nonetheless faces north. Nothing can be done to change it; only your orientation in degrees, minutes, and seconds can adjust and be altered. You know deep within yourselves of the reality of God's presence and of your value in the family of God.
Many things about you change; these are the various paddles that steer your boat. Michael has assured you today of the forever buoyancy of your craft in his love and his support. Confidence is a transcending element of your spiritual makeup that orchestrates and balances all the variables of your life. Michael said to come to him all who are weary and he will give you rest. This rest is confidence. Again, it is a loyalty to what is above and overshadows all. You may open the palm of your hand and make a fist with your other and pound it into the open palm. You hear a sound; you feel pressure, but soon that passes. Even your decision to make such a gesture passes. But you know who you are; you know of the episode and the details. Therein is where confidence lies while all else changes.
This orientation is the very power used by Jesus when he marched straight into Jerusalem in spite of the foes and powers that stood against him and the events on earth appeared to turn so poorly against his cause. But he knew beyond all outcome where he stood under the goodness of God. He was confident even in the darkest hours. I will draw one more image of the two who were with him on the cross, one in great doubt and one who rose in great faith; two human souls in balance, one on each side of the pillar of stability, our Michael Son. I end my presentation here that you might reflect further in your own understanding upon the meanings that you will derive. Thank you.