2008-02-04-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Pressing On
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am appreciative of your hospitality. You make me feel welcome. I am in understanding of your issues of daily living. I find it such a blessing to see you each practicing ‘pausing for a moment to check in with your spiritual beliefs’ before you act on the situation. We are seeing our Correcting Time stir up issues that bring individuals to the point of looking inward, seeing their true beliefs, attempting to take action. The mindal circuits are so alive, sending and bringing information at top speed. You, as a collective mind, will see trauma and define for yourselves, what is the most loving and least selfish action you can take?
The mortal life appears to be a battle off and on. It is our hope that people will look within and find the very best in themselves. You can think back to certain instances over your lifetime and see that seemingly negative event occurred and it brought you to a place of realizing that love is most important. You had not care for your own pain. You had not thoughts of yourself. Some experiences in life brought you above surface level thinking to find your real priorities. Experience is why you serve time in the flesh. Advancement is your goal and the ‘disturbances of mortal living’ is your teacher.
I am MARY. I also thank you for your kindness in opening up to us each week. I can understand Abraham’s words and it brings me back to the time in my experience when I realized the Master was going to be captured and punished. All other worries I had fell by the wayside and I felt no control. I was devastated and consumed with the thoughts of losing my Master. In my shock I would talk among my sisters and we had no ideas to change the inevitable. All we could do was pray and be still.
During my going within, I remembered the lessons that the Master had taught and thought of how He would handle such an instance. He would say, “If you are going to live, then live. If you are dedicated to the spirit while wearing the flesh, then go full bore. Do not hesitate. Grab the hand of the spirit and go.” I was with the understanding that this experience was going to hurt and I must dive into it, feel it, understand it, take the necessary actions, find the meanings and values and take growth. The Master’s words were a blessing and a source of strength. He would say, “If you are going to live, then live. If you are going to hide and self-protect, then do not complain.”
That time in our minds was excruciating and yet we were with Him in every minute, witnessing His pain and taking in every precious minute that we had left with Him. In my feelings of helplessness, I only had God. I had nothing else. Nothing else meant anything. In my hopelessness, I had only one place to turn and believe me, I was not disappointed. I felt strength from something unseen. I could rally my sisters and begin to plan the actions we would take next.
The Master had told us He would be leaving us and He prepared us as best He could. He knows our highly emotional state that hampers our rational thinking. Your inner Father does make effort to give you some sort of preparation for things to come. He wants not for your emotional state to block strength and rationality.
This week let us be open and thoughtful of how the inner fragment may guide us and think about the Master’s words. Are you committed to living? How often might you find yourselves hiding? Do not be discouraged for your human ways. Know that there is value in everyday living and always a reason to carry on. I feel such a warmth from this group. I am always happy to serve with you. Know that Abraham and myself send you our love and go with you throughout the week. Until next time, shalom.