2008-02-11-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Manifesting Light and Life
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am in such gratitude for your lighthearted spirit here this evening. I love to see you each balance life, encompassing a little bit of everything. Even though our priorities call to us, it doesn’t mean we can’t have some enjoyment. In all of life’s circumstances we can learn to blend the ministry therein. Even though the world does not yet welcome it completely, we can always have with us Father’s wonderful spirit.
There is a lot of chaos in the world right now and with the conditioning of the human mind by various cultural lifestyles, beliefs can be limited and we just don’t handle things well. On worlds settled in Light and Life natural catastrophic events also occur, but their minds are so different in how they believe or perceive. One thing that these enlightened individuals know is that there is always an ultimate good in every event. Father’s hand is in every occurrence.
Another thing these Light and Life dwellers believe is that death is not permanent. Life in the flesh is ongoing and when you believe this to the core of your soul, then traumatic events do not affect you in the same way. Another interesting fact about our friends on worlds settled in Light and Life is that they are so selfless. Their minds are really focused on the well-being of one another and they do all they can to provide for that. I am grateful to these forerunners of Light and Life. We can learn a great deal from them.
I am MARY and I again greet you with a full heart. We are becoming closer and closer each time we meet. I enjoy the intricacies of your personalities. I look forward to our meetings. I am also grateful to those worlds that have trudged through history and made something beautiful out of it.
Our Light and Life examples are not merely individuals in denial or with rose-colored glasses, or robots, no. They are just like you. They are people who have welcomed Father as their sovereign and long to do His will. They live life with balance in all things. Work is not miserable. School is not mundane. Daily chores are not something to procrastinate. There is laughter and joy where they work. There is relaxation in worship. There is adventure in education and money and materialism is not their leader. I am excited about this world’s change. It’s slow, but taking firm hold at the roots of our wonderful universe.
I think back to the days of John the Baptist. Though I was not conscious of his work, I later learned who he was and his significant role as a precursor to Christ. John was one of a kind. He loved God the Father and had the best intentions for serving and performing in the ministry. He worked tirelessly baptizing one believer after another.
He was diligent and yet found not balance in his work. He had not joy or peace. He could hardly find sleep most nights. It was difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that his mission was short. He very well could have gone on to have a wife and kids. He could have continued in his own church and made great strides therein. Father wanted for John’s happiness always. He wanted for John’s balance in living and to find the joy in work, the adventure in education, the peace of knowing Father’s work is steadily progressing.
During that time there were also tremendous strides being made in the awareness of humankind. It was also a Correcting Time of sorts. It was freeing the minds of men and showing them that Father was a benevolent personality. The mission side of that however had to do with the purpose of Michael of Nebadon. His message needed to be heard. He needed not antagonistic individuals to cause his mission to be cut short. Father’s will needed to prevail in this situation. John was in full agreement with that even though he was loath to be imprisoned.
Many times circumstances will be confusing and we just don’t need to know the outcome. We simply need to be dedicated to allowing Father to be our sovereign. The Mission is everything and yet everything is the Mission. Michael wants for us to have balance, happiness, friends, family and always be open to learning something new. Our lives and the Mission are a blend of sorts where we can serve as we pass by. We can adapt in any given situation as long as we keep Father in the forefront of our minds.
This week let us ponder our brothers and sisters settled on worlds in Light and Life. What do you think the main focus of their turning point was that brought them through the drudgery of history to a state of Light and Life? In all our circumstances this week let us be conscious of having joy and knowing that any individual may be a messenger for you or you may be for them. That is all, my friends. Know that Abraham and myself are always overjoyed to spend time with you and with that we will take our leave. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.