2008-02-17-Acknowledge Their Divine Essence
Topic: Acknowledge Their Divine Essence
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Divine Mother: “Beloved children, your Spirit Mother speaks! The world is awakening to the sound of My voice, yet each person is responding to the call in his and her own unique way. As you deepen your relationship with your Father and Me, remember too that your brothers and sisters have access to their own relationship with us. Honor that presence in them when you see them. You need not use the spoken word. Simply focus an intention to respect and acknowledge their divine essence by focusing on your heart center. Send this intention to them to connect with their heart center.
“Use the power of your thought to create a connecting bond with another person. Acknowledge their divinity. Many times this creates a shift in your perspective of this individual, changing the tenor of your spoken conversation. The bond of your heart centers resonates with your intention. It sends a signal to that person’s brain to translate into the biochemical signals that produce feelings of love and compassion. Your intention makes a big impact upon another person, regardless if you are aware of it or not. Become more aware, My children, that you may become more engaged with your brethren in a way that will truly benefit them.
“Awakening to the call of Spirit is only your first step. Learning how to respond to others with the spiritual attitudes of love, kindness, compassion, non-judgment, and tolerance is the ongoing lesson of spiritual growth. Self-mastery comes with your increased desires and intentions to behave with these attitudes, and interacting with others gives you ample opportunity to practice. Start by noticing how you wish to interact with them, and honor their God-presence initially. Observe how you both converse with one another, and allow Me to move in you both. You will witness a new love bond being forged and a power spiritual energy in them being catalyzed. You are helping them grow in Spirit and performing a beautiful service for them, your Father, and Me!”