2008-02-18-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am so grateful to you who keep the faith. You make my words possible. Even in strange times we can rally our faith and find some meanings and values. You that are searchers of truth accept not shallow thinking and have become accustomed to finding a reason for all things.
I am always interested in how the human mind works because it does have a direct connection to the spirit and education is unlimited. You that have your own rooted beliefs in the Urantia Book and Michael’s Correcting Time will find your awareness highly sensitive, because correction is taking place and circuits are being connected constantly. We are all feeling the correction. Our awareness is expanded and our faith is sometimes running in all directions.
In the harsh realities of life it is difficult to see the hand of God at work. You should hear the many voices everyday that cry for help. Even I am overwhelmed at times. We must remember to reign in our faith, but on the other hand, put not limitations on Father’s abilities. This capturing of faith is always best handled through meditation and quiet time.
I am MARY, once again happy to be among you working for new and better ways. I believe Abraham is speaking about faith and the chaotic directions it can take. It is wonderful that you in this small group have a system of faith that is open always to new possibilities. No one is encouraging you what to believe. Many times the freedom can be carried away and we can forget where we stand. I can appreciate your discussion this evening on the life of Jesus. How blessed are we to have Him for our example of living our life purposefully and having no fear of what that will bring us.
I am also fascinated by the inner workings of the human mind. I can see how faith grew in my time on the world. As a young girl I had not direction and saw those with faith as superior. Those individuals appeared to me as so judgmental and I was always ashamed of who I was. My faith in a higher power was practically non existent. In my growth and experience, I thought God to be someone who would be un-accepting of my lifestyle, life circumstances and I was indeed afraid of Him. I would live somewhat morally because I feared punishment from Him.
As my faith grew in the ministry of Christ, I began to feel less judged, more accepted, more free to be who I was. In knowing the Master I came to believe that no person on earth could force me into faith. Jesus was quite clear on that matter that you know what you know. The love and kindness of Jesus always made me want to progress. In my freedom of faith however, I had lost my thoughts of living true to the universal laws. Not the commandments that man had taught, no, but my inner knowing of the universal laws.
All who receive their fragment of Father have this connection of knowing right from wrong. Because we are with such freedom and faith, we are not exempt from living the universal laws. Internally you know what these are. You can literally feel them. In order for the budding soul to grow we must work toward following basic spiritual laws or exemplifying the life of Christ in your actions. Abraham mentioned quiet time and in this there is an open connection to the Creator. He is our peace in mind, our director to understanding the universal laws or the process to producing spiritual fruits in your everyday lives.
When I had worked with the sick and elderly, I had an urge to attend to those who would bring me ego satisfaction. To those I could not help, I strayed away from. I had learned with experience that spiritually and morally it was wrong. Believe me, I did beat myself up over the situation, but with time and counseling from my fellows I had gained the ability to make correction. It was a persuasion of sorts to turn from the animalistic mind to the mind of Jesus. In taking some steps to rectify my mistake, I felt with direction and comfort. Ministering to my disabled fellows became easy and I felt joy with each patient.
This week let us be conscious of our moral decisions. Take joy in freedom of faith and still be conscious of the universal laws. What are those steps we can take toward exchanging our minds that may be experiencing anger, despair, perhaps regret, with the mind of Jesus, who embodies truth, beauty and goodness? I am grateful for our heart to heart connection. We are both indeed filled with overflowing love for you each. I thank you, as does Abraham. We send you with our love. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.