2008-02-28-What We Speak Now
Topic: What We Speak Now Not Published 50 Years Ago
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Mark Rogers
Mark: Real quickly for my own sake and perhaps the benefit of others as well I petition the universe to provide the necessary guidance that when we step out in faith and when we act in faith that we are in fact acting as our Divine Parents would have us act. We do this gesture in faith that when we are following our leading, our guiding that our leading comes to us from on high, from a place of divinity if we will only follow. Then certainly we will be secure in our devoted attempts to be of service. That is my desire in this moment and I accept that this will be so as a result of my petition.
As I said, this morning I picked up a pen and paper and continued in my journal. I don't get a chance to ask questions much of the teachers and so I had some questions, some uncertainties and I took the opportunity this morning to ask and I thought perhaps by way of sharing this whole experience with transparency I would share what I received and my questions. I began with me- Mark:
Good morning my friend, companion and divine guide. I so very much enjoyed my communion with you up on the hill this morning. I was reminded how lovely it is when I take the time to be together. Thank you for meeting me there and again here for some more sharing this time with the effort to document the encounter.
The Voice: My friend, companion and mortal associate, I have no greater purpose than to associate with you, how, where, and when you will permit and allow this association to occur. As I have stated to you in earlier communications, I am always on standby, ready to spring into action whenever the opportunity occurs, especially whenever the invitation occurs.
Your making the space and taking or committing the time is your supreme offering to me and as well to the First Source and Center who has created the paradigm in which this supreme choice may be made. So while you may feel and express gratitude at my presence and our relationship, it is I who should attempt to express my eternal gratitude and that of The Father for having made this choice and thereby literally created this avenue wherein we may both express our gratitude in this moment.
Mark: Very well then, I accept your offering of gratitude and as well my responsibility for the part I play in the creation of this reality and relationship. As you well know I have offered my commitment to Michael, to Monjoronson and to you to be of service in whatever capacity I may be utilized to be in service and we both have seen where this has led us in this extension of faith. As regards the particular avenue of service expression I refer to as the Voice series, I witness this arena of expression to be a distinct expression unlike any other I have experienced and so I ask, is this effective, is this working, is it worthwhile for us to continue, are we on the right track or am I deceiving myself that such a direction is sanctioned as good and proper at this time?
I'm aware that my life experiences are unique and perhaps unusual that have led me to this place of awareness I'm concerned that in sharing my personal understandings and experiences that others may feel distanced rather than identified with what is purely my own journey and truths. What say you about such concerns?
The Voice: You observe correctly that such as we are engaged in, the voice series is unusual to say the least. I know you struggle with the doubts of others, some even citing the reasons for their doubts being supported by texts of value such as the Urantia book. But I will point out to you that even such valued text is a static and contained source of truth and wisdom. but as it even states: "truth is living and dynamic" and you are creating the pages that are being written right now about much that is simply not contained within the text written over six decades ago. If you were to restrict your experiences to what was written in the past you would not know of Elyon or any of your teachers, of light anchors, of merkabas, of Monjoronson, of Wave, of Light or of this "distinct direction" we even now enjoy as you refer to it which I will point out, is the purpose and design of your entire experience as a mortal of the realm.
You've done well to free yourself from imposing such limitations else you, we, would not be having this exchange we both now enjoy. Maintain your faith that you will be led by spirit, by me to boldly go where others may not have explored yet. This I know to be the real commitment you have given and the one that is key to this journey. You ask if this project is working and effective because you do not receive much feedback about your efforts and I understand this means continuing to extend in faith. I bring you the assurance that there is great benefits to the efforts extended in this direction well beyond your limits to perceive and it is and at this time it may not be given you to see the fruits of your labor.
We are not planting and tending a garden which yields results in one season but we are planting and pruning an orchard which may take a number of seasons before fruit is evident. The garden comes and goes each season and may be changed each season to accommodate the wishes of the gardener whereas the orchard is a long term project requiring much patience and effort but rewarding with much fruit over many seasons for the effort extended. You asked if you were on the right track but only superficially as you know within we are working together for divine purpose and you have conviction of this purpose. As for your concern about your service to others in sharing your life experience and truth- this is the single most valuable contribution you can make to the thought stream and collective consciousness of the brotherhood of man. I point out to you your own experiences that have benefited you as a result of others willingness to share such as Neal Donald Walsh, Eckhart Tolle, Mary Ann Williams and many others. I'm sure you can recognize the truth of this observation.
As you are able to dimly intuit, the ramifications and benefits of our efforts in this project go well beyond the scope of your abilities to discern. As for your personal experiences and their relevance to the project, you must remember that while your experiences are as unique to you as others are to them, the one common denominator is the presence within each and every one of their inner voice and the discovery of this relationship is to be universally promoted and fostered, transcending all variations in the details of experience. The Creator has provided for the accommodation of all avenues of approach and will unfailingly respond to the seeker whenever and however an approach is made. It remains forever true, when one seeks in faith one will most certainly find, as is evident even now in your receiving these words; not so much as evidence to bring you faith but in response to the faith you bring.
Lean on this faith for your direction and your assurance and in turn this faith will be your insurance against any serious misstep. My love for you words cannot describe. We go now in peace.
The Voice: I would greet you once again by invitation. I am this ones voice and I am flattered to be welcomed into this arena of sharing and the love that abounds around the sharing of spirit. As you have just observed, the private and intimate communication that was established are as a result of the efforts of my companion. This is done to demonstrate the willingness of the divine fragment within you to bridge the gap and establish communication at any and every opportunity that you may afford for this purpose.
You have all been told that it is a rather simple matter and yet you encounter frustration and ineffectiveness in your attempts from time to time and you begin to think it is not easy or it is not as easy as you may have been told. Something, perhaps, must be wrong, at least something is not going completely right else it would be easier and you would be more successful but I tell you that this is a process that takes some skill to develop and much practice to refine. This is a skill which pushes the boundaries of your very nature but this also is a skill that you are designed to master in time. Once you gain direct personal experience about how this occurs, how it feels, what methods are used to breathe into this place it will become easier and easier and with your patience and your practice you will be able to bring yourself to this place of receptivity and awareness at will and have access to that which you seek as you so desire. One of the largest obstacles to overcome in this process is your expectations of what you would like it to feel like, sound like and be like.
Your ideas of how distinct and different it will be are your greatest barriers to simply perceiving what it's like, how it is and how it will be. You enter into the equation weighted with the expectations about something of a great magnitude which will be undeniable and persuasive about its authenticity and you easily discount anything you perceive as regular and normal in your course of everyday experience but you must embrace the reality that while this experience may be different in some ways to you it will also be quite familiar in other ways.
The thoughts that run through your patterns of thinking become so normal and accustomed by you that you do not recognize the enhanced thoughts as any different from the normal chatter. It sounds the same but it feels different. When you stop to observe the thoughts that pass as clouds through your consciousness you recognize the familiar tones and shades of your own personality and you write off these thoughts as being simply more of your own generated chatter.
You do not necessarily stop to differentiate between your higher augmented thoughts that are also the carrier waves of divine thought as distinguished from the random regurgitation of mind patterns. But all of you have felt this difference. You have distinguished through other senses that there was a difference in some of the ideas that run through your mind, that some of the thoughts felt inspiring, felt liberating, felt divine and without even considering whether these thoughts were your thoughts plus the enhancement of your indwelling guide, you dismiss them as more of your internally generated wholly material thought patterns.
More and more you will begin to feel the difference between that which is simply in playback mode from your data base and that which is quite similar but has overtones of more than simply the last time that thought passed through your consciousness. Eventually you will seek out those feelings and identify with that sense that you are in contact with something more than just a random thought and you will begin to lean on your faith and have trust that it is not only possible, it is part of your design that you will be an instrument of divine thought as well as mortal thought. There will be the use of your thought patterns, of your consciousness, of your awareness, perhaps even of your vocal cords and diaphragm which will enable you to express more than just your own awareness.
But a greater awareness is also available to you, an enhanced perception, even divine ideals. They are yours as well and they come to you by virtue of your counterpart in this process and it is all too easy to assume that everything that goes on in your internal environment is nothing more than the mortal chatter of your mind but you are beginning to awaken to the fact that there are other things at play as well; divine inspiration circulating through, supreme intentions rising to the surface, ideals that seem to come out of nowhere and enter into your consciousness.
These have always been there, they have simply not been identified as originating from your divine side, your holy counterpart. But times are changing, energies are shifting and awakenings are happening hourly on this world even moment by moment within these very moments and you are engaged in this grand discovery that while it may sound like your voice, it may in fact contain elements of divinity, of truth, of love, of awareness beyond any current capacity you may have.
So I would encourage you to avail yourselves of any and every avenue of approach; perhaps it is more stillness, deeper meditation, perhaps it is journaling, perhaps it is art or writing. Perhaps it is service but look for this enhancement everywhere. At every juncture, and every turn there is this potential which simply needs to be chosen to become actual. But you cannot choose something you are unaware of so the first thing must be in growing your awareness so that then you may choose.
My mortal companion has demonstrated in this hour that he had an awareness that journaling was an avenue to be used and he then activated his choice which then created this expression which was dormant until it was chosen. First it was required that he be made aware that this was an option, an opportunity to be chosen and then it was required that the choice be made and the effort put forward and as a result you witnessed that there was success in his effort. It was a universal certainty.
It was the law of attraction put into effect, it was the simple principles of awareness and choosing and acting which were the necessary components of this creation and having fulfilled the necessary requirements, success is all but certain. You all have gained awareness of the opportunities before you and likewise it is a simple matter for you to execute your role and put into play these universal principles, to wield this great principle at your command and by your efforts. Ask and it is given, seek and you will find. The thought, the word and the deed manifest. I would conclude my remarks there and forever remain in attendance to observe and to participate as invited, thank you.
Mark: I'm getting that's it for prepared remarks and to open up the floor for communication of any kind at this time.
Q: This is addressed to everyone here and to the voice; this seems and feels very much like a demonstration of how it is we share the inner life with God, it's intimacy factor, as you mentioned earlier, how uncomfortable almost it was to reveal such an innermost rapport as was in your journaling which is a delight of that kind of very personal relationship we have with our adjuster. I also appreciate the journaling theme as well as other techniques of getting in contact with my inner life.
The very calm and unhurried authority that the voice has is assuring and calming. Any anxiety you might bring it, it will find a way to bring you to peace. There may be those who would say that this is our way of rationalizing and justifying our own subconscious mind and that may be the case because we are still imperfect but it nonetheless does provide that salve that allows us to feel soothed in our innermost being.
Mark: Very well stated, thank you so much.
Q: Well in that context I feel that kind of an exercise is worthwhile. That's what we're encouraged to do is get in touch with our inner voice and when we dialog with it in the manner in which you demonstrate in the voice transmissions it's just revealing how you perceive it, how it works for you so others can practice that same thing. I was reminded that in the recovery movement, they all talk about conscious contact with God as you understand God and as we come to find out that God dwells with us and within us, then He no longer is that outside entity in a faraway place or on a throne, whatever, as we talk to that quality.
Mark: I will give voice to what my largest reservation about sharing my journey through this; I have a concern that others will be dissuaded from finding their own approach, their own terminology, their own understanding and I carry that as a burden as a two edged sword. When someone like Neal Donald Walsh for example, portrayed his experience, it happened to be a very enlightening thing for me and by the same token he might feel as though it would influence unduly others in the finding of their inner life.
Q: Indeed it might but people have been going to the priesthood or to temples or sacred places or going through rituals or saying certain words for centuries. It is part of evolution. You can take some responsibility at some point because you may have a "following" such as Deepak Chopra Carolyn Meese, they have a following, they have a fan club, admirers and that understood as long as it doesn't reach the point of adulation, remember who we all worship. That's your responsibility, that's where an ethical teacher would draw the line. But everybody is going to get a little stroke now and then, you bet.
Mark: I look at how I've benefited by the perceptions of others and am grateful for their having shared their experience with me and so I have to just extend in faith that sharing my experience will perhaps resonate with someone somewhere and its o.k. to just be real and human and demonstrate humanness with it. I don't know what else you could do. I don't know why it is so difficult for me, I feel like I'm getting naked every time I do this (it is, you're very vulnerable) and it's my own issue obviously, it's not anyone else that does it to me and ( well you're demonstrating and you're teaching and any time you do that you're bound to get hit by a rotten tomato).
Q: Mark, I think we just need to accept our gratitude at the end of the evening and we thank you for being transparent and it certainly encourages us to recognize it in other people and try act in a way, it does me anyway, throughout my life every hour of my life to be as straightforward and honest as I can possibly have the courage to be. I think we honor you for doing that with us.
Q: If I could speak for Mark to say we do appreciate having elder brothers and sisters. Our teachers are elders and we become elders and you become elders and this is what we pass on to others, our experience, strength and hope and it comes through conscious contact with God as we understand God and we understand the voice, we understand the adjuster, understand that aspect that's an alter ego and a reflection of our highest ideals.
Mark: But I would with a whole heart accept your offering. I do appreciate what you have to say and I take it within. I resonate with what **** is saying, we are all brought up to be these same things that we look to when we're learning and there is this transition that occurs and it is not often easy to identify and then we find ourselves in a position where we look back upon it and realize that there has been this transition and so...I don't know,I was just reading as it came to me and feeling very free to do this because it was a very intimate exchange...
Q: Actually it's not our business, it's a conversation that goes on between you and God (yeah) The interesting thing is when that kind of thing is so exposed as you've done it here on Lightline, and it will be broadcast all over the place because of the transcripts and so forth, there are those who may not want to do that because of they may not want the nation or the community to see their inner workings with their God as they understand God. There may be a whole different paradigm of what goes on there and even you on a different day may be far more colorful in your assessments or whatever.
Mark: Or far more cowardly, I may decide that scares me being that intimate, it's a little frightening, like you say how many humans on the planet do I want...but really, I don't do it for me. I'm in this as a partnership, I volunteered for this gig. ( I understand, it's your sincerity) and I like to believe that I have the faith to go where I'm led in this process even if I personally am unconvinced that that is the direction to go. This pushes my boundaries and every time that I do this, in the moment I'm scared but after I feel like I was led by the hand and I went. I have to get past being nervous and just like t/ring you just have to know where they are going but you just walk off the edge and into the abyss with them.
Q: Sometimes in that I look back and say it was something that wasn't something I should have said, it felt like it was I thought it was, I said it in good faith, I believed it, I went with it and then I look back and something is telling me that was a mistake, an error. I have to keep from beating myself up about that. Just let it go because I know I'm flawed and therefore I know you're flawed, I know him or her are flawed but it is the demonstration of our faith that makes us precious.
Mark: That is what we hope is not flawed you know what I mean..( yes, the sincerity)
Q: If we were perfect we wouldn't be here.
Mark: Well, yet another new experience, any other comments.
Q: Thank you Mark for stepping forward because you're taking the courage to step forward gives other people and idea of how this process works, so you don't have to guess, their experience is going to be different but how the process works if going to be the same.
Mark: I'm prompted to read the last sentence of this journal which was "lean on this faith for your direction and your assurance and in turn this faith will be your insurance against any serious misstep". That's what was said, we extend in faith and that is what we are demonstrating and we take it on faith that there while there will be plenty of minor missteps of course along the way, we will be protected from any major missteps.
Q: It's not exactly like we're the material son or daughter trying to screw up the dna or the rest of the human planet.
Q: I still want to say I think it is a huge step towards friendship that you extend to us every time and I want you to understand that I take it and offer you my friendship in return.
Mark: I as well will express that we have developed something, I would go so far as "intimate" between us. We have walked down this road together for some time now and many of you have been there every step of the way even if you haven't been there in person you've kept up with every word that's been said, every gesture that's been offered in faith and I feel as though we've all walked this path together and I could not have done it were it not for your support and I love you all.