2008-03-03-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Pain
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I can so appreciate the depth of your faith. You have willingness to be present here and wait for the words of some flexible rules for mortal living. Everything is subject to change, even my words are not the final words. We are grateful Father is steady, constant and unchangeable. He is our rock and somebody we can always count on. Our realm outside of Paradise has varying levels of reality and so many things are simply our interpretation.
When you can feel you are at your best, meaning closer to spirit than ego, then you can count on an accurate interpretation of spiritual meanings and values, no matter what my words are or anybody else’s. As teachers, we do our best to put forth the most updated information possible. It is always your choice however to define the meanings and act upon what you believe to be best. As promised last week, I will allow Mary to get in a word or two.
I am MARY, always so grateful to be counted as one of your family members. I may be a teacher to you, but I see you as a teacher to me. I learn a great deal from your discussions and am amazed at your passion on certain subjects. I learn so much about each of you when you speak your mind. It becomes easier for me to teach on various subjects when I can know you each personally. A lot has changed from my days in the flesh and I do want to be of service at your level of understanding.
Last week Abraham spoke of mental and emotional pain in mortal living and the tendency to desire escape. This topic is fascinating to me because it is worldwide and growing. I am always made to think of the Master in the garden before His arrest. Even He had sought escape at some point and He knew of the deepest pain. I believe that He was hurt most by the betrayal of His fellows. His good intentions were misunderstood and what he had set out to accomplish seemed to go astray. It took effort for Him to work through His mind the meaning of what was happening.
There is always the animal side that seeks escape from pain or rebels against it. It is difficult for mortals to understand and be patient with the time it takes to work through difficulties. The Master cried that day in the garden. He felt great anguish and had gone back and forth in His mind on what His choices were. During this time of reaching out for Father, the Master had experienced spiritual ministering and had come to the final decision that Father’s will should prevail. The Master decided to drink the cup of whatever life had in store for him. A lot of His despair was from the burden of having to make the actual decision. Once He did, peace had followed. A new strength in mind and resolve in understanding had come to Him.
Rash decisions usually lead an individuals mind and one never gets to experience the peace that follows a well thought out decision. I know I have experienced pain to the point that my faith in Father was threatened. After the Master was taken from us in such a horrible manner, I was loath to continue the ministry because I had blamed Father for taking the Master from us. Even though I was in terrible doubt concerning the mission, I somewhat thoughtlessly fell into the steps of carrying on and I am so glad I did. As I looked around at my fellow believers in Christ, I realized we were all on shaky ground and would need one another to deal with the horrible experience.
It is said; when you are in the midst of painful experiences, keep on taking the steps forward. Keep your eyes on the Father. Allow Him to lead you, instead of the natural tendency of turning to the ego or rebellious animal mind. As I look back over my years during my mortal life, I can see how each painful experience was like taking a step up. It was a seemingly long staircase, but the wisdom there from was priceless. I can tell you that Father is in complete understanding of the mortal mind and wants not for you to feel regret over any bit of your decisions made as you have traveled through this time in the flesh. He does desire for us to keep taking steps and always have our eyes upon Him.
Keep in mind the Master’s struggle to finally decide to drink the cup. Choosing escape however is not sinful and it is not advancement either. It is most important to have a strong foundation of faith. Put your efforts into building that foundation and you will find mortal life to be more understandable and tolerable. Remember, in your decision to drink the cup, to be patient and wait for the peace that follows. That is all for this week. Know that we are available if you should call upon us. My gratitude is never ending. I thank you for your most gracious intentions. From Abraham and myself, we send you with our love. Until next time, shalom.