2008-03-03-Of Fears and Eternal Life
Topic: Of Fears and Eternal Life
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: Oscar
ABC-22: “Fear is a normal experience in this world. Due to the nature of mortal life it is normal that humans be worried about accidents and all other things that are a threat to physical integrity. This fear is useful in the early stages of evolution.
“With the increases in knowledge, the fears of nature and unexplained things start to slowly dissipate. Only irrational fears remain in some people’s minds. These are the fears about what might happen, but is not really happening. When these fears are intense, they cause paralysis of free will. People let themselves be guided by their fears, and do only what they feel comfortable in doing. Among these common fears there is the fear of speaking in public, fear of being ridiculed, and fear of failure. The common denominator in all these fears is anticipation, the sensation that something will go wrong, something will harm us, physically or emotionally.
“These fears must be removed from the human mind. To understand if a fear is an irrational one simply find out if you are worried about something that ‘might’ happen. These fears have no basis. We cannot predict what will happen and, anyway, fear would not prevent something from happening. Investing time and energy worrying about something that might happen, but in fact never happens, is just a waste of time.
“Fill you mind with the positive. Let your thoughts be a reflection of truth, beauty and goodness. Forget fear. Even when you are certain that something may physically affect you, learn to leave the outcome in the hands of the Father. You already know that you will not disappear, and your life will go on forever – your life, and the lives of all your brothers and sisters who choose to follow the way to the Father. What then could possibly worry you?”
Translated into English from the Spanish transcript by Nelson.