Topic: Peacemakers
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “In order to become a peacemaker, you need to become at peace with yourself to be effective. It is so very easy to say that you desire to become a peacemaker, but perhaps it would be expedient for Me to explain to you what this entails.
First, search for yourself if there are any hidden agendas because true peacemakers serve unobtrusively and often are not even aware themselves that they are peacemakers, because of their own inner peace. It is the vibration that emanates from them and goes forth before them, for they are generous and people are always welcome in their presence.
They are peaceful within themselves and are not easily given to emotional outbursts. It is those, who have, for the most part, peace in their souls, and therefore their minds get less frazzled and their thoughts are more orderly and coherent. To become peaceful and to remain in that desirable state, means much self-discipline and coming to grips with the whys and the wherefores in life. The peaceful ones have cleared a lot of questions in their own mind as to what allows them to be at peace with themselves.
Next, there needs to be a love and acceptance of the self and a knowing that the eternal God has all things in hand, therefore their task is to live to the best of their own ability in the doing of God's will. Being peaceful means also having arrived in the citadel of your own spirit, and knowing your soul will be taken care of, come what may. It is this feeling of security, which no man can take away and which is day by day reinforced through faith and trust in the heavenly over-care.
The one surety is that God knows all the intentions of all the human hearts alive on all the worlds of space, knowing and taking into consideration the history of the planet and the tribulations your orb has undergone, and still undergoes on the hands of thoughtless inhabitants. But fear not, there is goodwill going on which more than balances the evil.
You are all called to be peacemakers, and in so doing you serve not only God but also yourself.”