2008-03-27-Sounding a Tone, Virtue of Relationship

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Topic: Sounding a Tone, Virtue of Relationship

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers



Mark: I'd like to try something different today, the wavelength of mother earth. It translates into the note C and if you would, I want to see if this might be another tool, another way we can use to get on the same wavelength. This is the mother earth tone [note C is sounded].

I greet you and accept the invitation extended by this forum, the opportunity to join you on your wavelength that you have created between you and among you. We have just witnessed two techniques before us for bringing yourselves together, the technique of prayer and worship and spiritual awareness and as well the more physical expression of the sounding of a tone. These are two different forms of the same energy simply existing at different points on the scale. You are discovering as you practice this process that everything is energy in one form or another and you are discovering that you are energy as well, currently in a number of forms. You have a divine frequency, you have energy which has coalesced into relatively stable form, you have a timeless, dimensionless energy, your spiritual component.


You communicate back and forth with forms of energy. Even now there are tones shaped into symbols which you have trained yourselves to identify as such and are able to assemble to gain meaning from such frequencies, such energies. You are aware that it takes different forms of energy for you to survive and for you to derive your nourishment. You must feed the material energies with material frequencies; that is, you must match their needs and serve the physical body, the physical substance of food that it may be nourished. But there is another part of you, another dimension of this energy which requires spiritual nourishment, nourishment of another frequency and you are even now, in this moment serving yourselves and taking in this energy providing you with refreshment and nourishment on a spiritual plane.

There is as well as part of your composition that functions on even yet a different frequency, a different energy level. This component of yourself, this indwelling spirit, this onboard partner is part of yet an even more vast energy field and is nourished and sustained by virtue of this distinct circuitry. So here you are- a combination being; a mortal of the realm with your feet firmly on the material earth, you are as well a spiritual fragment of The First Source and Center and as well you have a partner onboard who functions on even a higher spiritual dimension and is your guide and assistant in navigating the long distance from where you are with your feet on the ground, as it were, all the way through the reformation of spirit, returning back from whence you came to The First Source and Center of all.

I would encourage each of you on a practical level to heed what we have observed here in this hour. This process of allowing your thoughts to flow by writing them down, call it what you will, provides the vehicle for these thoughts to be elevated and "up stepped" along the way. Your pen in hand is the final filament through which energy may pass and create this light. When you position yourself with your desire as was stated, to express your individual perspective on the nature and the character of the divine then you correctly perceive that energy flows to you, even flows through you on the way to "grounding out." The more you attempt to hone your vehicle for this purpose, the greater access you provide to this energy which transforms your vehicle in the process and brings to you inspired thoughts, elevated concepts and greater awareness's. This is how the process works by simply allowing all these different energy aspects of yourself to combine and flow as one; your divine components co-mingling with your spiritual aspects and your material vehicle and as such there is an increase in energy level or frequency and the end product is enhanced.

Thank you for providing this environment wherein you are bridging these gaps; you are attempting to braid together these aspects of yourself and combine them to be this filled being able to navigate and enjoy all aspects of their being. It is the journey of a lifetime to be able to witness this awareness arise and even this skill that arrives with awareness that enables you to utilize this awareness and create new realities. I will withdraw having most thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to come to the fore and be provided this chance to express. Thank you.

Monjoronson: I greet you all as well, I am Monjoronson and it is always my pleasure to step into such an arena of light. You may have noticed I have taken to joining in your process that you have created to explore this component of self. I so whole heartedly support such an effort that I find it difficult to stay away; rather I would come and share with you some thoughts about relationships. I would ask you to consider- how it is that you or anyone is known? How is it that you are recognized?, and I would offer that this occurs through the process of relationship. You could exist alone on a mountain top and no other of your brethren could know of your existence, would you then be known? It is through relationship with others that there is a recognition; you are not this, you are that, and the more relationships you enjoy with other individuals the more you are known, the more you know of others and the greater your pool of wisdom becomes and your pool of knowledge which is directly connected to this pool of individuals you know, each one bringing to your sphere of awareness an additional component of knowing.

And so it is that things are known and can be known by virtue of their relationship to other things. I have existed before you knew me and yet I was unknown to you; there was no awareness of my presence just or that I existed until we had a relationship, the one to each other. Some relationships you have are not a result of any personal experience at all but of the personal experiences of others who then have subsequently shared with you their experience and you have then felt a resonance with their experience and a knowingness that comes with trusting one who shares their experience. This is what is so critical in your ascension career, the development and awareness of relationships. Your relationship to anything and everything is what positions you in your circle of awareness. The more you appreciate your various relationships, the more centered you are in your awareness and understanding,

The idea that you have divine parents has been told to you and then you experience a personal relationship to them and at this point you know them. Until then you have only heard about them. Jesus asked his apostles "who do you say I am"? And each one answered with conviction in their hearts for they knew The Master. They were aware of His presence. In spirit it is not necessary to have physical proximity to know of another. You can know of Michael"s presence as well as the apostles were able to being next to him in the flesh. He is available to you, and you are to him. In spirit you may know each other, you may have a relationship, personal and individual. Likewise you may choose to have these relationships with any you may invite to do so because the part of you that can do that is not bound by conditions of time and space and you can enjoy the relationship of any other in a spiritual capacity by simply creating the avenue to do so exactly as you have in this moment.

When you create this approach it may then be utilized to meet and develop a relationship with any other who will join you in this process and I assure you that those of us on the spiritual domain side of the curtain are eager to be invited to come out and play with others who will join them out on the spiritual playground. Consider as well that you play a unique role, as mortals of the realm, your feet on the ground, your position in the trenches in combination with a relationship of spiritual partnership, you may be the final link in the chain of expression and if you do this with any awareness you may be a serviceable avenue of manifestation for divine energy and divine frequency. All you need to do is desire it, seek it and then be ready to facilitate it. Grounding rods or light anchors are needed everywhere, all the time. Any desire you have to act in this capacity will be supported and someone will meet you at the place of your choosing, the avenue of your expression. I urge you to consider relationship with your inner guide as a way to increase the voltage of your impact in life, to elevate your every effort and create magnificent expressions.

And as well you might consider enlisting the assistance of other spiritual personalities as easily as you might enlist the assistance of your inner voice. Simply ask, position yourself to make it so, and make it so. What a treat and what a joy it is to come among such willing participants in the spiritual arena. I look forward to working to any who will work with me as we firmly plant and infuse all the light anchors with divine energy. I would conclude my remarks there but I would leave the floor open as I am only here as one of you. I look forward to hearing from others around the circle as well.


Q: Good evening Monjoronson [hello]. I think I have two questions and am feeling my way through the questions so I appreciate your time here. Did I understand that when the natural note bell tone was sounded that was an encircuitment or a tone that identified the mother earth circuit, am I correct? Are you understanding that?

Monjoronson: That has been related to the mother earth circuit, the note C.

Q: And are we calling another name for mother earth, are we calling that the planetary supreme Urantia? Monjoronson: That would be fine.

Q: Then because this is an adjuster conversation, the week that we usually talk about the inner circuit, the inner guide, I'd like to stay on that idea of circuitry and ask my question. We have a physical circuitry of material life and our thought adjuster circuitry because we are gifted with the divine fragment and we have a spirit fragment of the First Source and Center so we have a spirit circuitry, do we have in addition a circuitry that we participate in by being Urantians and members of the body of the planetary supreme? Is there an additional circuitry there?

Monjoronson: Thank you my dear friend for pointing this out. You absolutely are a part of this circuit of your mother. You are literally comprised of her elements. She surrounds you in every moment, she is inside you when you breathe and surrounds you when you exhale. She supports all life and even the energy that is responsible for the beating of your very heart. So you have indeed picked an additional circuit to which you are attached. You are comprised of the very earth that you stand on. Thank you for acknowledging this great component of yourself.

Q: It gives me great pleasure to do that. Our sister Urantia is who we are, what she is. My second question is this. You reiterated that we are faith sons of our parents because we are agondonters and are told without seeing we believe and have faith without seeing and then we enter into this relationship with Jesus post Pentecost, a post Pentecost knowing when we ask for this relationship and so that's, we become faith sons, we are faith sons and then become true faith sons and daughters. I guess my question is; are we faith sisters and brothers of the planetary supreme Urantia? What's our relationship, and because we're doing and we're contributing to the supreme and I think we all have had through every generation of humans on this planet has had this, has had experiences very visceral and at the same time very spiritual experiences where we experience this direct relationship with her and that we don't need to. We don't have to know this experience through faith, we know it very literally and very viscerally and how as conscious brothers and sisters of the Urantia or of the supreme, planetary supreme Urantia, can we be, can we bridge a gap, what gap are we bridging I guess I'm going to ask that, as light anchor, for our brothers and sisters is there, is there a bridging that we do or because we are walking around as Urantians there is no gap to bridge? I'll stop now.

Monjoronson: Very good insightful questions, First, consider the fetus. Inside the womb the fetus cannot distinguish itself from its environment. All elements and factors are the same; the same temperature, the same consistency, there is no light to distinguish. The small unborn child grows so accustomed to the womb that upon the episode of birth there is a shock to the system. For the first time the unborn child has contrast and senses a relationship between itself and its mother and it is a traumatic experience because until that moment there was no great distinction. There was the sharing of everything and the sense of oneness with the mother. Then there is the birth and the child is outside on their own. They must be swaddled and bundled and held and reassured that it will be OK. and then they become comfortable with their relationship to their mother. It is different, it has given them perspective and they learn to grow accustomed to this new reality of the air all around them instead of the warm water that was all around them.

Consider that this child grows up and goes and becomes an astronaut, flies into space and for the first time looks back at his environment that surrounded him, the very air that he breathed that surrounded him and made it possible for his life, is now not there and he looks back at his womb, the earth and realizes he is distinct and different. He has a different relationship. You all now are unborn children. Your mother so completely surrounds you, supports you, nurtures you and protects you that you are unaware what it is like to stand on your own. That is how close you are to your mother. It is not until you will be born of your mother and be on your own that you will look back upon this episode in your life and remember it as being in the womb of your mother. You cannot see that now for you have no contrast except in the spiritual dimension where you may be told of this and you may believe it and you may come to know it in your thought pattern but you have not experienced it. And so it is that you are part of your mother's circuit just as the unborn child is nourished by what the mother eats, so are you nourished by all that your mother does now to provide for your existence.

As for your second question of the significance of planting light anchors or being light anchors on your world and how does that help the situation or why is that an important thing to do? It is much like if you were to picture yourself putting on the most beautiful clothes and putting on some of the most lovely perfume and then see yourselves as going out and about in the world, going to the store, going to the library, going to the party and everywhere that you have gone, because you have made the effort you change the environment around you, everyone who sees you smiles, everyone who comes around you is aware of the fragrance that you emanate and their experience is enhanced. Their perception is increased because you have chosen to do so. This is what the significance of your individual opportunities to function as light beacons is. Everywhere you go as a light you dispel darkness. Darkness only exists by an absence of light, that's the condition for its very existence. When there is light, darkness is dissipated.


Therefore as a light beacon, you go around and change your environment. You flood your environment with light and darkness recedes. You literally change the environment around you with your conscious act to bring the light with you. It is that simple, just simply being a light is all that you have to do and your environment is changed. I perceive there has been much offered tonight for your consideration and I would most gratefully acknowledge the contributions of your energies to be here and to build this circuit that we now enjoy. I would release this T/R and everyone else who so devotedly brings their interest to this place. Thank you all and farewell.